Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sherwani At Shahid Afridi

A retreat?

Retirement: Here is a word which, when you look a little on what it means, the multiple meanings which can be subject of debate and comments on many current topics on the surface or less noticeable. Finally

the meaning of this word to describe the passage of a person in a paid work status to a single pensioner situation - you can see where the character is active or not voluntarily absent - may not seem the most interesting initially.

Another meaning of these very well known, means, in military language and by extension in all circumstances where this movement occurs, or at least present its alternative, is to retire from fighting, to waive advance, back face of adversity, to withdraw to its bases, to abandon pretensions, to surrender before the enemy or an opponent.

What happens when a society that, by dint of political battles and democratically conducted, but also legitimate and often violent struggles of patience happily crowned, having come to climb, albeit still incompletely, to degrees of balance and prosperity unprecedented in history, having built up gradually, generation after generation, the reality of a recognized model everywhere, should, as is her command with a lot of precautions specious and technocratic jargon, be gradually remove all its social achievements and thus, inevitably, all points earned towards more equality and more freedom?

asked the company to retreat. On what? On behalf of another reality that has arisen in the meantime, fell from who knows what calculator divine essence, which now dominates any other? No. It is not only real question of what is to be encrypted with stunning spirits by claiming sums as anathema. This reality, who created these figures in that they can have real and sometimes especially in that they have false, is simply that, as never rearmed since the end of the Second World War, economic power. A note to avoid any ambiguity economist. Uneconomical. Economist as an idea, an ideology and a dogma. Alpha and omega of a system that has twenty years of being the sole ruler over nearly the entire planet. Omnipresent. Powerful.

A power that has bought one, for decades, almost all that different nations and their organizations have policies. For simple affiliations, natural ways of his supporters ancestral or blackmail, holding it against the less accommodating the reins of all slumps. A power that continues to grow more and more confidence in all institutions in all states and supranational institutions over long hesitating to use all possible modes of corruption. A power whose components are progressing without consultation - there is no conspiracy - but rather with similar interests and goals. A caste pyramid whose members are not inhabited by another spirit than that of feudalism and its archaisms. Possessions without homework.

A power against which all policy, all democratic, the whole office should retreat. Really?
power which drew the surprising developments in information technology and traffic flow of its new ways of reaching an overall level of superiority over all other systems, establishing the principle that both the financial and wider more rogue above all other forces involved in the functioning of states within themselves and each other. A power that tells the frightened obedience of companies, through its personnel policy, legislation and its genesis not democratic and whose workings are interrelated business dictates and threats of war between the lowering of social organization and operation of all malignant insecurities. A power that the draft already exists and is spreading in several countries and in more and more countries, no real barriers, developing all the relationships required, infesting every corner of corporate power that has a name, trademark, condemned in principle when it attaches the labels of the crime: the Mafia.

Excessive? No. Petrified by financial crisis, which every economist worthy of the name provided for the deadline for at least ten or twenty years, States, Europe and elsewhere in one form or another, under pressure from the devastation, probable or suspected that this crisis threatens all social structures, are ordered to reform. What to reform? The financial system has become lawless? The operation of banks become real casinos? The total output of goods and services become not a free market and undistorted as we preach to envy, but a real show where the wanton human raw material is Auction? No. What is reform to please the requirements of this system that claims to liberal - he will return to this word usurped - these are all laws, all regulations which, for over a century, have to civilization to enjoy more and more widely to the people, their development, their evolution.

And it is exactly in this context that advances the now famous "Pension Reform." We can discuss the details of the ins and outs: it is useful, necessary. But whether this is to promote new laws, authoritarian, uniforms for the sole purpose of attacking an exemplary process for, by means of a solidarity beneficial to each and everyone to come out of a situation Dependency Pay receiving a pension for which he or she has contributed for decades to spend the rest of his years to live free choices, personal or collective, in the context of this reform is produced or is unacceptable.

What policy, such as that conducted in our country, those who lead, under conditions Exercise regularly riddled with outrageous behavior, under the deception, fraud, all the compromises demanded by the power of capital which it has pledged allegiance, may believe to have any legitimacy to investigate such a Reform?

What State, led by the sort of people constantly looking for total silence on the theft of public funds - how many tens of billions of euros per year? - By the very people who claim to hold a lead that State, may believe in his ability to achieve smooth, with impunity, such as the reform of pensions employees in this country?

Retreat: to withdraw from the world, business, profession, its activities. Without doubt, in the present state of things the word retirement then something inappropriate. The changes in our society, what permitted including social achievements and the adjustments of their distributions, generated a lot of improvements in living conditions, although much also remains to be done in several professional fields. This is the leitmotif of detractors of the reform of pensions, that they most willingly ânonnent, a Protestant vision of reality human as they are motivated by ideological goals.

It's true we saw more and more old people in contemporary societies. Ours is one of the best position in the ranking of this progress. And indeed, today, increasingly, retirement is not an employee to leave the world to end her life by resting from his fatigue and waiting a few years that death happens. Today we saw again after leaving the workplace. It can remain active and spent him entirely at his own choice: family, travel, culture, sports, associations, friends, clubs, etc ... In the limit that allows pension that is perceived. In the opinion of all those and all those for whom the welfare of a society should be the primary objective of any policy there is even a pool economic resources which are lacking in new be only poorly utilized .

is true that the profile of the workforce in many occupations where it has changed, and many new professions, can assume that, for various reasons, the individual is asked to extend his career, or even inclined to want to himself. Although data on this subject have become fluid. A certain spirit of freedom should allow, so better established, to relax existing legislation. No change in substance. The linchpin of the law must remain shy of age 60. But having to start a career late, or have missed or want to devote more time to his profession, must be taken into account. We must articulate the text around a regulation system of contributions and pensions in the idea that when we consider that a career is administratively complete any additional years should result in an increase of the pension received. In some professions, sometimes state officials, as in education, we must consider other possible extension career with the need both to be neglected transmission of knowledge. Choice and to improve pensions. The principle of this transfer of knowledge and experience is also around the subject of pensions well detestably ignored.

And it is also true that data from the arduous working conditions were changed for the better in many work situations. But here we touch the point may be the most sensitive. It always dies at work in our country. And in many other comparable In terms of social organization. People die of diseases like those caused by asbestos. In appalling conditions. It ended his career body deformed or partially destroyed. For reasons that no policy is strongly contested: almost always for reasons ... economists.

Finally we recall that retirement is also a measure of office, although not saying his name, which affects millions of people now without jobs, without prospects in return, disconnected from the system, untrained: people removed from the world of work against their will, and without a deadline possible return. Since in the spheres of large computers of divine love is the numbers, can you imagine that soon we indulged in computing that missing here as huge amounts of contributions. In cases where a substantial part of the deficit was on hand.

Retire place where we withdrew. Yes it's also a place. What form will the place where a company which has renounced its support of civilization, will have retired? What world inhabit this society, stripped from whole pieces of everything that had built, developed, designed so that each and everyone can find something to make her well-being?


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