Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sample Owns Of Totoy Madriaga

fight. Reloaded.

Google has launched Google Ngram View , a database of 500 billion words in several languages, and on which we can launch small research - you can also download files for further exploitation. Interesting for research, it also allows to resolve certain problems.

For example, the quarrel between Bourdieu and Boudon can be answered fairly definitively when doing a search on "gang of four" of French sociology, which is a bridge-to-asses many textbooks (success Continuous Touraine is probably due to some disambiguation) (click on images to view larger):

The "decline of class social "can also be put into perspective: it would actually be a decline in working class

The debate between globalization and globalization, painful development of vocabulary, could be settled once and and for all: in France, globalization stands out as translation.

By cons, debate on educational achievement are more confrontational than I would have spontaneously thought the curves follow each other, except for two periods: the mid-40s to the 50s, and since the 1970, where there is a sharp decline in the "level up". E

Emergence, recently in France, Simmel's relation to the two other founders of the discipline, Durkheim and Weber is relatively clear , as the domination of the German on the French from the 1980s:

But they are all crushed when one adds Marx, even if one sees an undeniable decline of the latter on last two decades of the twentieth century:

can do the same two graphs for English:

No big change from the French situation, although I would have expected that Simmel is more prominent, given its influence on tradition Chicago.

Finally, we can see that I exercised already an influence in the past, with an interesting peak between 1940 and 1960:


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