Thursday, December 9, 2010

Make Toys Using Batteries

a bulletin board, and what is actually

She appeared one day on the door of the staff room, right beside the coffee machine in the middle of all sorts of papers: a sheet, A4, bearing the impression of a poem by Victor Hugo , whose passage had been spent in yellow highlighter fluo. What was she doing there? What was the meaning of this display? I still wonder.

Photos are taken to the mobile phone, which can pardon the poor quality, however the advantage of cheap anonymize this little foray into the privacy of the staff room . So here, above the famous film. The impression was made, apparently, from the site of a writer , but there is no evidence that this is something meaningful - this may be just the first link that Google has proposed. The portion highlighted, which is well make sense for who is the author of this staging is as follows:

Alas! How long will it tell you again
To all of you, it was up to you to lead,
it should give them their share of the city,
That your blindness produced their blindness;
one Guardianship miser is collected suites,
And the evil they'll do is you who their didst.
You have not guided by the hand,
and information on the shadow and the true path;
you left them prey to the maze.
They are your fear and you are their fear;

The text was not displayed anywhere: it is pinned in the middle of the front door of the teachers' lounge, a strategic point if any. Indeed, on one hand, all who pass through the famous hall borrow at one time or another this door, which is the main entrance, and thus are confronted with all the messages left there. On the other hand, it is right beside the coffee machine, so near the heart nerve discussions routine and moments of pause, where you can easily leave lying around his eyes, which are needed something to put under our eyes when we wait for his coffee, when you blow on it to cool down or when one seeks a capacity because it is still alone in that famous room until the bell rang for Recreation and as agitation reaches its highest level.

This is not the only message displayed. They are plentiful on the door posts of the administration of the school or colleagues, union message, information various internal ... It puts both the announcement of the next exit which disrupt some lessons that the petition for the preservation of a particular subject or the story Such experience with students or parents that are thought important to give everyone's attention. Ultimately, it dazibao complex, where messages often end overlap sometimes leading discussions, negotiations and disagreements on the hierarchy to give information, reveals the life of the school. More than that, it creates it, makes it possible and somehow organizes it. This small space - there are other panels in the room, but less strategic, they are less used or for information which are less amenable to the urgency and struggle - requires overlay, renew and compare the messages. It creates a control information simply by limiting its surface.

More than that, information displayed here is changing its status. It acquires a gravity and a officiality greater because we have tried to transform it from simple storytelling writing brought to the attention of all. One does not lightly, and they compartmentalize even quite clearly in the direction we want to give his message. There is a code subtle that we learn fast enough. It can display a humorous message, but we will not put there. Another table in another area the staff room, will be preferred to amend factual nature of the message. An anecdote concerning a student may be a funny story or an information is displayed pinned here.

This means that the display of this poem is not trivial. In fact, this is not a novelty. Other poems or songs, or literary texts have been displayed in the staff room as in all of France. It includes the presence of some - I also remember a photocopy of a page book about a proposed privatization of public services by the OECD, duly highlighted in yellow (faithful highlighter that can mean so many things without the words). What struck me here is that the rationale for this view I remained a mystery. And suddenly I became aware of the recurrence of these messages, and I began to wonder about their goals. What was the intent of the colleague who printed, displayed and highlighted this text? Below, can be pinned in the same movement, one can see a petition on the changes to come in CNED: is there a link? It is not clear is the least we can. Was it to provoke discussion rather precisely by the mysterious side of the display?

Then I realized that this was perhaps not the most important issue. Messages like this, there are dozens in every staff room in France. It is found perhaps in other contexts, in break rooms, near coffee machines and vending chocolate. The meaning of each display can easily get lost, the messages remain. And are read with more or less understanding, and probably a good deal of interpretation and reinterpretation. But these panels is to impose a group of some issues which need to be discussed: they are the embodiment of an agenda setting. And the messages they are helping to define the situation facing those who read them. This little poem and help highlight mine nothing to define the reality experienced by teachers. And especially since it has been selected from the common pool of legitimate culture large enough audience to hope to "impose" on those who read it (which socially are likely to be sensitive to this legitimacy) . Small act of language, writing small seemingly innocuous, but linking with all others, is ultimately much of our lives.

few days after I saw for the first time the famous film, it was already covered by another. The construction of reality is always in control.


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