Friday, December 31, 2010

Bow & Arrow Balloon 2010

What does it take to become Banksy Banksy? Google

Exit Through the Gift Shop , incorrectly translated the wall Make , creation of street artist Banksy film is not only the movie you'd better go see instead of lazing in front of your PC, it is also a masterful lesson in art and, perhaps, sociology.

summarize briefly the film (here, those who have not seen stop reading and go see the beast because all I could say will in any case less than the cinematic experience itself, is as necessary as this summary for my purposes).

sent faiteslemur . - Short film, documentary and trailer.

Thierry Guetta is a French expatriate in New York obviously a bit deluded: clothes salesman Used cars unaffordable for the leisure class in Los Angeles, he spends his time filming everything all the time - a short sequence traces this obsession to the untimely death of his mother, explaining that smells good reviews from critics psychologizing Art piecemeal. Uncovering cousin to Space Invaders, a street artist best known for its mosaics that brighten our cities (see photo below, taken by me because Bubble Bobble rocked my childhood), he begins to film the street artists at work These nocturnal graffiti tagger and navigating between contemporary art and degradation of public property. He is particularly obsessed by the most famous of them, Banksy, best known for his paintings on the "wall of shame" between Israel and Palestine, its rats, its generic Simpsons (which is enough to earn him my total and unconditional sympathy) and some other stuff.

He finally meet him and follow him in his productions, including the installation of an inflatable doll in the shape of Guantanmo prisoner in Disneyland that serves as its baptism of fire after he refused to spill the beans served at the park's security, Banksy recognizes him as a friend. Having accumulated an impressive amount of tape, it attempts to mount a documentary Art on the Street. When Banksy viewed the thing, he sees how it's a shit. He therefore asked to leave the band to rework something drinkable, and Thierry Guetta returns to LA in advising him to mount a small exhibition - inspired by his models, he began to do some street art. The latter takes the word, and throws all his money and his talent for sales in a crazy dream to become overnight an artist that counts. And, under the name of Mr. Brainwash, it's going to happen.

My resume certainly does not do justice to the density and depth of the film, which speaks in the final analysis, art, and its commodification loss of meaning. Street Art is first presented by the voiceover as the largest protest movement since punk. What is in a sense: the works of Banksy, as slogan "One Nation Under CCTV" or even the recent pre-generic city, are indeed a critically important power. On the Simpsons (video below), not only the artist has understood the spirit of the series, but he manages to deliver a message more subtle in appearance: the commodification of the series kills her wonderful spirit (the unicorn chained ...). At a time when some complained that the venerable cartoon loses its strength is a formidable exercise of criticism and self-criticism that the show has dared to do (yes, I am a fan, it surprises you that much?).

But this emphasis critical problem. When Banksy is becoming a recognized artist, he is in power. Briefly see an image leaves a tag on the front window of a gallery where his works are on display: "Banksy sold" I've had time to read the subtitles. By becoming an institution, a reference, a name in the art world, Banksy loses marginality that gave meaning to his work.

My assumption is that he then realized that the critical capacity of his work is weakened, or worse, has never been as strong as he thought. Indeed, what does it take to become Banksy Banksy? That is to say what should be an individual to become an "institution", a name whose only reference is attached to a value? Here he is good - as usual - to read a little of Howard Becker:

Imagine you're Curator of sculpture in a museum and you have invited a prominent sculptor to exhibit a recent work. Sometimes driving a tractor-trailer transports a gigantic construction combining several elements of large industrial machines arranged in a volume all to do interesting and attractive. You're excited. You ask the sculptor to drive the truck to the loading platform of the museum. And then you realize both that the door is too small. It measures four feet high, and the work is much greater [...]. Finally, the sculptor, very upset, goes with his work ( The worlds of art , p. 51-52)

To enter a museum, and thus be recognized and have a chance become an institution, a work must pass the door. In more general terms, it must comply with existing agreements in the art world considered, it must be consistent with other institutions, or at least, with a number of them: if we can enlarge the door, it is still necessary that the museum floor supports the weight of the sculpture, the ceiling height is sufficient, that the public can move around, etc..

The lesson is terrible for artists to be revolutionary and rebellious, like Banksy, we must not undermine all the institutions of art. We must pass the door. In other words, to become an institution such as Banksy, should provide a little bit concerned, in order to enjoy the prestige and charismatic revolutionary who own artists, but not too much, or at least not all. It must produce works that fold to enough rules to make them presentable and appreciable by existing public. In the same way as the punks playing music on stage for three minutes. In the same way that Robert Parker awards high marks to most wines have a reputation and which subverts traditional hierarchy to a minority of raw ... Banksy's works have passed the door, they are also protesting that he would have wanted? The

second part of the film is about that. We doubt the real existence of Mr. Brainwash and Thierry Guetta: various commentators have suggested that it was a creation of Banksy . The fact is that his works have a serious deja vu, taking tics of Street Art unoriginal, and we never see the artist perform himself (he says all the technical realization that Becker call the "personal backing"). And he seems more interested in advertising (through use of the name of Banksy himself) and communication to reflect on his work. In fact, it was a hoax or a real Banksy lit, the film's criticism is quite clearly against it. Managing to become an artist based on nothing (except the capital accumulated from artists and journalists), emptying it of its meaning Street Art, the advent of Mr. Brainwash appears as a biting criticism of the commodification of art, the transformation of urban form fleurtant with the boundaries of art and the law to a mass reproduction of poster (Mr. Brainwash wondered how to make posters of unique identifiers as Banksy n has never placed any copyright on his works). Exit througt The Gift Shop "or how all art end in memory merchant.

It seems to me that this scene, whether or not a hoax, is primarily a way for Banksy to reduce the conflict that he himself can speak with the commodification of his art. And the film reveals, even in its construction in two parts and go back and constant between the commentary of the "real" artists and Odyssey slapstick of Mr. Brainwash, the habitus of contemporary artists (and perhaps even artists in general). Habitus made here in the sense of Norbert Elias, as a tension between the impulses and self. The artists seem the prism of this film, worked by a desire for radical - Drives - and the need to adhere to certain conventions - the self stress. And this first voltage it adds a second between the desire for success and ethics of refusal of commodification. Two voltages themselves in tension that make the complexity of the position. Thus, hiding his face, Banksy refuses although the commodification of his art, but bends at the same time former artistic conventions ... and makes it more audible with institutions that are taking the risk of commodification.

For artists, the situation is intractable. There they are forced to deal with these tensions, contradictions and all their attendant misunderstanding and misinterpretation of their actions and their works. The Street Artists works are ephemeral ... but they are happy in the film, someone films them and gives them a permanent ... but this is always the risk of commodification they despise ... but gives them the recognition they aspire ... There is no solution. And that's pretty good. This probably can give impetus to art worlds.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sample Owns Of Totoy Madriaga

fight. Reloaded.

Google has launched Google Ngram View , a database of 500 billion words in several languages, and on which we can launch small research - you can also download files for further exploitation. Interesting for research, it also allows to resolve certain problems.

For example, the quarrel between Bourdieu and Boudon can be answered fairly definitively when doing a search on "gang of four" of French sociology, which is a bridge-to-asses many textbooks (success Continuous Touraine is probably due to some disambiguation) (click on images to view larger):

The "decline of class social "can also be put into perspective: it would actually be a decline in working class

The debate between globalization and globalization, painful development of vocabulary, could be settled once and and for all: in France, globalization stands out as translation.

By cons, debate on educational achievement are more confrontational than I would have spontaneously thought the curves follow each other, except for two periods: the mid-40s to the 50s, and since the 1970, where there is a sharp decline in the "level up". E

Emergence, recently in France, Simmel's relation to the two other founders of the discipline, Durkheim and Weber is relatively clear , as the domination of the German on the French from the 1980s:

But they are all crushed when one adds Marx, even if one sees an undeniable decline of the latter on last two decades of the twentieth century:

can do the same two graphs for English:

No big change from the French situation, although I would have expected that Simmel is more prominent, given its influence on tradition Chicago.

Finally, we can see that I exercised already an influence in the past, with an interesting peak between 1940 and 1960:

Tarak Mehta Ka Ulta Chasma'shoting

The eternal return of individual responsibility

It with pump and some sympathetic media that INPE, an institute National prevention and health education, is launching yet another advertising campaign cons drug . The theme of the year? "Against Drugs, everyone can act." Understood: if you do nothing, it's your fault. Understood as: one takes drugs because we are weak or that others are weak.

The campaign has become the zero degree of political activity, thus a look at clips from the new campaign: we meet Michael, a young man who, we are told, took cocaine.

Against Drugs, everyone can act - Cocaine
sent Inpes . - Current time on video.

But why Michael is there cocaine if we stick to that video? We do not know. In fact, it seems from the perspective of the designers of this campaign fairly irrelevant. What matters is that if "those who love him" had told him not to do so, he would not have done. Motivations of Michael when he took the drug for the first time, his motivation to continue, because a young schoolboy be able to procure or its economic, psychological or social, we will not know because it does not seem so effective. "When we want, we can" not to take drugs, it is an effort of will, if not his, at least that of his parents or his girlfriend.

In fact, it would not count if Michael was the only teen to take cocaine. We could then see this as a mere "personal ordeal." But when this practice is much more widespread in the population of young and old alike, it is difficult to keep thinking that there is a gap personnel: the drug becomes, this level, a "collective issue of social structure" in the words of Charles Wright Mills in this classic of classics what The sociological imagination :

Think unemployed. That, in a city of 100,000 inhabitants, one man is unemployed, he crosses a personal trial; to relieve him, he must consider his character, he does do and opportunities which may arise . But when, in a nation of 50 million employees, 15 million men are unemployed, we are dealing with an issue, and it is not coincidence that await a solution. The random structure is known destroyed. The correct statement the problem requires, as well as possible solutions, the screening of economic and political institutions of society, not only of situations and characters specific to a diaspora of people.

The sociological imagination is precisely to be careful how biographies, individual histories, that of Michael which led to the drug, part of the collective issues in a broader history . This is the link constant, and various ways, what happens at an individual level, or microphone, and what happens at a collective level, or macro. In this tension constant lies precisely sociology. It is "the idea that the individual can think his own experience and take the measure of his destiny that lies in its period."

Some will probably try to think that there is only one way cheap to make excuses to people claiming to be the most liberal, they will say that this imagination denies the rationality of actors making them mere toys of social forces. They are wrong. If you look at the advertising above, we realize that the ethics that it proposes, this ethic of individual responsibility, the "when we want, we can", is also Economic rationality and the logic of individuals. Michael was there no "good reasons" to take drugs? His use of cocaine did not she something rational? Obviously, it is also irrelevant. We do not go to people's intelligence, but they are supposed weak-willed: the addict is necessarily lacking is not a strong individual. It's a shame because Michael is why drugs might help to understand why the recurrence of this type of campaign has never been acted on real ...

But this ethic of individual responsibility, which places the collective problems on a simple lack of will on the part of individuals, is powerful: its simplicity that it fits everywhere. It is found in the British advertising (reported at the time by Sociological Images , but I can not find the note) to fight against childhood obesity, where the responsibility of mothers just delete the whole social structure and provides requires children of fat and sugar:

Again, it says nothing about the motivation of parents (also brought by the mother alone, because as presumably, feed the kids, it's a trick chick ...), whose concern may be simply to please a child who calls what she be for him. Parents who coltinent between the contradictions inherent in the exercise of parental authority nonauthoritarian where we should love our children while denying them.

It reminds me of this conversation repeatedly in numerous theaters Teacher: How is it that students known that parents do not roll on gold are equipped with shiny cellphones and designer clothes at prices sometimes exorbitant? And each challenge the mismanagement of parents. What comes up most often, if we push the argument to end, to say that the poor are poor because they can not manage their money: an explanation explicitly in vogue in the United States, as evidenced by the debates recent the Montclair Socioblog. Who will say that when its economic situation is not brilliant, accept some sacrifices to give her child what he dreams - because as everyone is part of a society where the possession of these things is somehow enhanced. .. - Not so irrational? That's a way to show his children that we love them or prevent them from feeling too strong a stigma associated with poverty ... In short it's more because parents care about their children and meet the dominant standards because they can not manage their homes.

But the ethics of individual responsibility we cover it all. It makes us prefer the "when you want you can." The problem lies entirely in the famous remark of Maslow: If the only tool you have is a hammer, then all the problems seem to be nails. Similarly, if the only explanation you have is individual responsibility, then everything can be solved by the single sanction. And it drops all other forms of action, such as improving the situation of young people to have less temptation to take drugs. The sociological imagination could come to the aid of political imagination. It is not won.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cupcake Party Wording

TRON (C) Remake

some homemade crap:
(click for larger image )

"If you got no legs, you will:"
The Annoyed
You can even sign in make a wallpaper, since the image
is a 600px × 200px 1.

delirium more quickly,
not top, but I put it anyway,
I am afraid of nothing.
Extrapolation of a remake of Maniac Bill Lustig
by Hollywood.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Cutting Back Teeth And Ear Infection

Results of the 2nd Edition

The time to start over, here are the clips of each participant in the project!

You are interested in purchasing one of the necklaces?
Please read the details at the end of this message!

1. Collier Santa Class "The Jewels of Marjo

2. Necklace "Hypnotik" Beka Jewelry

3. Trump-neck collar (Judith)

4. Trump-neck collar (Andréanne)

5. Necklace Jewelry Mohana

6. The Necklace Jewelry Clau

7. Necklace Cassiopeia 12 Creating

8. Necklace Creations Caroline Michaud

9. Necklace Creations HelChamp ... and little devils

10. Bijelo Necklace Necklace

11. Necklace "Eve" Matcha Coco Mademoiselle

12. Necklace Creations The Mad Ball

13. Collier K Jewelry Design

14. Necklace "Evening Frost" Creation Moonlight

15. Necklace Jewelry Borgia
(longer than it sounds)

16. Necklace "Create Share" Secret of Creating Jewelry

17. Necklace "Red Line" Celine Archambault

18. necklace beads and Ribbons
19. Necklace "Nordic Frost" Dragonfly Creations


The second edition of the project is a social pays all of money from the sale of creations to Way . Each customer will thus make a donation to United Way in its region and will receive her jewel upon presentation of proof of donation.
Donations must be made via the website of the United Way. Customers can give their local United Way:

Anyone interested in buying one of the creations must follow the following steps:

Communicate your desire to acquire one of the creations
Please provide your name, first name and full mailing address in the message and the number and the name of the setting you want.

2. IMPORTANT: Wait a confirmation before proceeding to other steps! You may not be the only person to want this creation. Thus, the principle "first come, first served" will applied.
Confirmation will be sent as soon as possible
(considering a maximum time of day).

Following receipt of your confirmation, follow the $ 25 donation (or more) through the United Way website:
Remittances are obviously safe.

Send your proof of donation (donation receipt after the transaction provided by United Way) to

5. Your creation will be subsequently sent! =)

Thank you very much encourage our project!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Luggage Tags For Craft

Small paris racing (Christmas) What is

This holiday season, a moment that I imagine to be a great suffering for all journalists from France, more or less obliged to yet another chestnut on Christmas, knowing that it will fall into oblivion as all within 14 seconds after its release. In solidarity with them, I surrender myself to the obligation post-prone "festivals year-end." Here, since online games have been allowed, I suggest you take a paris.

Bet # 1: How long before the practice of Christmas shopping over the Internet is broadening and becoming, if not dominant at least large enough to affect somewhat the crowds in the stores?

Bet 2: How long before that journalists proclaim that this is it, is the latest fashion, future, and that everybody does it, except some hick deep in the outback? You know, with a story on Bernard, who bought the doberman stuffed his wife on or what kind of thing, and a handler interviewed as an expert who nods his head to answer questions.

Bet # 3: How long before a media intellectual who has hints of old functionalist - probably Finkelkraut Alain and Alain-Gerard Slama philosopher or another with something more difficult than it thought - to make a podium in the World or a rebound in Libe cry for disintegration of social ties and end the institutions that organize social life because you will no longer mix his sweat in overheated stores to buy the latest DVD Franck Dubosc? A bit like Facebook had drinks that reflect an erosion of the institutions or Twitter to a decline in the public sphere or more generally the Internet of the end of living together and the eclipse of the Enlightenment and the lifting of all forms of totalitarianism against the French philosophy and the Café de Flore .

Paris No. 4: How long before Michel Maffesoli does about this comment containing the words "orgiatiques", "fusion", "post-modern", "archaic" and "Dionysian"?

Hint: the time proposed for the No. 1 challenge is not necessarily the shortest.

To decide the winners, there has to wait: time will bring us the answers as surely as the river brings the corpses of our enemies.

Come on, you have to experience the traditions, not because they establish the company, but because they allow us to eat foie gras. So happy holidays to all.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Make Toys Using Batteries

a bulletin board, and what is actually

She appeared one day on the door of the staff room, right beside the coffee machine in the middle of all sorts of papers: a sheet, A4, bearing the impression of a poem by Victor Hugo , whose passage had been spent in yellow highlighter fluo. What was she doing there? What was the meaning of this display? I still wonder.

Photos are taken to the mobile phone, which can pardon the poor quality, however the advantage of cheap anonymize this little foray into the privacy of the staff room . So here, above the famous film. The impression was made, apparently, from the site of a writer , but there is no evidence that this is something meaningful - this may be just the first link that Google has proposed. The portion highlighted, which is well make sense for who is the author of this staging is as follows:

Alas! How long will it tell you again
To all of you, it was up to you to lead,
it should give them their share of the city,
That your blindness produced their blindness;
one Guardianship miser is collected suites,
And the evil they'll do is you who their didst.
You have not guided by the hand,
and information on the shadow and the true path;
you left them prey to the maze.
They are your fear and you are their fear;

The text was not displayed anywhere: it is pinned in the middle of the front door of the teachers' lounge, a strategic point if any. Indeed, on one hand, all who pass through the famous hall borrow at one time or another this door, which is the main entrance, and thus are confronted with all the messages left there. On the other hand, it is right beside the coffee machine, so near the heart nerve discussions routine and moments of pause, where you can easily leave lying around his eyes, which are needed something to put under our eyes when we wait for his coffee, when you blow on it to cool down or when one seeks a capacity because it is still alone in that famous room until the bell rang for Recreation and as agitation reaches its highest level.

This is not the only message displayed. They are plentiful on the door posts of the administration of the school or colleagues, union message, information various internal ... It puts both the announcement of the next exit which disrupt some lessons that the petition for the preservation of a particular subject or the story Such experience with students or parents that are thought important to give everyone's attention. Ultimately, it dazibao complex, where messages often end overlap sometimes leading discussions, negotiations and disagreements on the hierarchy to give information, reveals the life of the school. More than that, it creates it, makes it possible and somehow organizes it. This small space - there are other panels in the room, but less strategic, they are less used or for information which are less amenable to the urgency and struggle - requires overlay, renew and compare the messages. It creates a control information simply by limiting its surface.

More than that, information displayed here is changing its status. It acquires a gravity and a officiality greater because we have tried to transform it from simple storytelling writing brought to the attention of all. One does not lightly, and they compartmentalize even quite clearly in the direction we want to give his message. There is a code subtle that we learn fast enough. It can display a humorous message, but we will not put there. Another table in another area the staff room, will be preferred to amend factual nature of the message. An anecdote concerning a student may be a funny story or an information is displayed pinned here.

This means that the display of this poem is not trivial. In fact, this is not a novelty. Other poems or songs, or literary texts have been displayed in the staff room as in all of France. It includes the presence of some - I also remember a photocopy of a page book about a proposed privatization of public services by the OECD, duly highlighted in yellow (faithful highlighter that can mean so many things without the words). What struck me here is that the rationale for this view I remained a mystery. And suddenly I became aware of the recurrence of these messages, and I began to wonder about their goals. What was the intent of the colleague who printed, displayed and highlighted this text? Below, can be pinned in the same movement, one can see a petition on the changes to come in CNED: is there a link? It is not clear is the least we can. Was it to provoke discussion rather precisely by the mysterious side of the display?

Then I realized that this was perhaps not the most important issue. Messages like this, there are dozens in every staff room in France. It is found perhaps in other contexts, in break rooms, near coffee machines and vending chocolate. The meaning of each display can easily get lost, the messages remain. And are read with more or less understanding, and probably a good deal of interpretation and reinterpretation. But these panels is to impose a group of some issues which need to be discussed: they are the embodiment of an agenda setting. And the messages they are helping to define the situation facing those who read them. This little poem and help highlight mine nothing to define the reality experienced by teachers. And especially since it has been selected from the common pool of legitimate culture large enough audience to hope to "impose" on those who read it (which socially are likely to be sensitive to this legitimacy) . Small act of language, writing small seemingly innocuous, but linking with all others, is ultimately much of our lives.

few days after I saw for the first time the famous film, it was already covered by another. The construction of reality is always in control.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Birthday Wishestoboss

school, lift and chestnut

We know that myths die hard. And sociologist, hunter myths as Norbert Elias said, will have the beautiful screen of bullets and arrows, or even explode in a bazooka, they will continue again and again to haunt the public debate. Le Monde published today u No article on the latest results Pisa : Marronnière lamentations about the poor performance of French students. And obviously, this inter-title: "The school no longer plays its role of social mobility".

This famous social ladder ... Do we still remember that Reproduction Pierre Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron in 1970? The Heirs the same duo 1964? And so the fact that this famous social mobility has actually never worked? It would be hard to know what period relates this "golden age" of a school for the most glorious and the most deserving student workers to rise to the rank of the elite.

But the recurrence of this reference is perhaps more interesting what it reveals of the French conception of the role accorded to the school. Because ultimately it is the latter that we expect the famous social elevation (Because of social mobility is not only talking about the rise). Without doubt it has led the tremendous growth of the lives of our war boom also mystified when students become students got on the labor market conditions of employment and pay well above those of their parents.

Exactly, everything is said. This "social elevator" was collective, so that we now believe to be essentially personal: it has not been to the elevation of the best but that of many. And it did not rely only on school but also on conditions Economic favorable labor market. The conjunction between the school on one side, and the labor market of the other that allowed the "rise". No single school.

But in the recurrent use of the term "social mobility", it refers only to the role of the school, and only the "elevations" individual and not a collective improvement. From it we expect to improve the living conditions of students. This allows to leave aside not only the issue of employment and unemployment but also that of the general improvement of living conditions and work.

This is particularly remarkable given the fact that PISA does not measure absolutely no social mobility. What she reveals, is the effect of social background on student achievement in tests on some basic skills in reading, mathematics, science. This is quite important, but it says nothing about the inequalities in school careers and even less in terms of social trajectories of students. It is quite possible that students with good results in such tests are, more or less short term, excluded from the French school system: it is sufficient For example, they do not continue in the preparatory classes or courses of elites. Which is entirely possible if, for example, family environment encourages them to do much because their parents do not perceive the usefulness of such studies do not control or codes that allow access.

And even if they come up in these chains famous elite, nothing says they know for all educational pathways equivalent to those best equipped familialle better than them. For proof, one reads this passage a recent article in Proceedings of the Social Science Research on students from the working classes in business schools:

HEC and ESSEC have rates employability close to 100% six months after leaving school. If two-thirds of employees are recruited in the consulting and finance followed by far by marketing and sales positions are far from equivalent [for students receiving a scholarship] in terms of prestige, pay and power. [...]
Indeed, by their family socialization, a majority of students have a perception relatively clear [of school careers to have] and can play when they enter school in the strategy of "curriculum vitae", the meaning of investment allows them to choose courses, internships and associative functions socially viable and consistent with their professional goals, a quality highly valued in the recruitment process.
Instead, students from fractions dominated social space has a partial representation of the universe of possibilities and tend to underestimate the return on investment as well as extracurricular informelle4 sociability in the functioning of the labor market. Consequently, their education takes a character seen as a tentative negative signal by the recruiters and, upstream, by juries to assign students in the "major" (HEC), "Chairs" and "channels" dedicated to ESSEC, during interviews motivation. Hence, it seems that even today "career success is more closely linked to social background as an indicator of educational capital as the rank of leaving school" (Pierre Bourdieu).

Otherwise, even when it opens a little in quantitative terms - as would like for example the slogan of "30% of equity in high schools" - the school system does not ensure social mobility of individuals. The distinction and the reproduction of elites rely on other agencies - job interviews, informal sociability, etc.. - And other signs and codes - investment-school, ways of being, or, to put it better, the habit - which is rarely put to question.

So why the metaphor of the social ladder, with all that it helps to conceal, she remains so powerful? One might think that precisely because it can hide all this, but take the risk of a conspiracy. One might also think of a simple habit, reproducing and reinforcing the gradually as it is reused, some piece of journalistic and political culture. I tend to think that the origin is more general: it is the result of a long training to a thinking individual, which has its origin in the operation of the school, which, year after year , continues to proclaim to those who pass through his hands the ideology of the gift which was already criticized by Bourdieu and Passeron. The social ladder is maintained because it is a metaphor consistent with the way we always represent the paths of students: those individuals whose school must deliver the hidden qualities and talents. This is perhaps where we should begin to question the justice of the school.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

New Hair Growth Research Hyderabad

The "revolution" Cantona on capitalism and morality

past few days, a call to the bank run by former footballer Eric Cantona has been written a lot of ink and saliva. We are talking about revolution ... Really?

More alert than me, you've probably seen the famous interview. I shall return when well because I found him a fascinating short side.

I confess: I expected some clarification, some analysis from the ex-football player / actor, not a deep economic analysis, but a semblance of explanation. But no. The conversation looks like a short counter and feels more pastaga and bowls that fronts the sweat of a revolutionary vanguard bent on finding new means of action.

A simple idea, served with a ladle: to blow up banks by withdrawing their money. The liquidity crisis unlikely because we do not see why the central bank refused to refinance the banks, as a political weapon ... I vaguely expected that recovery is the misconception is that bank money is not "real" currency, an idea popularized by the film The debt-money and that any student can first ES contest hands down a hand in the pocket, but not even.

It is rather funny to see the instigators of this movement argue that most people do not know enough about the principles of money creation (which is probably true) and that they want to educate them so they merely to make a strong return to the gold standard. Jacques Rueff was delighted.

The most amazing and most significant, is the end of the video. Because even if his evil plan worked, offered to Eric Cantona? Well ... nothing. If "we will listen to us otherwise." As revolutionary project, it will give me that is a bit short.

Is there something more developed side of the site (like a. Com for such a project, the irony is delicious once again)? See this:

We, the citizens of the 21st century heirs of generations who were sacrificed so that we are citizens and may live free and dignified, we demand the creation of a CITIZENS BANK, serving citizens, a bank that would put our money safe from speculative fever, immune to financial bubbles all doomed to explode one day, free of operations that transform our loans assets and use our debt to buy other assets.

We want banks that lend only wealth they have. Banks that help small and medium enterprises to relocate jobs, bank lending to zero. Of banks that support projects that benefit citizens rather than "market" where banks make money while having our conscience. Banks that we will not have to be wary. Banks whose success will sound the death knell of the merchants of death, disease and slavery. On the ruins of the old system, we want to build a banking system that will sacrifice more human dignity on the altar of profit.

In a nutshell: they want "solidarity banks. This is the revolutionary project. I was just reading there is little this article about the legitimacy of solidarity Bankers . Here's a little quote:

micro-credit [benefits] of a new age, a "new spirit" of capitalism (Boltanski, Chiapello 1999), this new spirit based on valuing the positive contribution Business for the community in the fight against exclusion and respect for fundamental rights. The loan taken out in a solidarity organization refers to the same practices that a conventional bank loan (risk ratio calculation, development of a security system, scaling of the debt, project evaluation of use of funds). The activities, supported the mostly by financial professionals, are in both cases, the accounting, balance sheet evaluation.

This movement, like many others who feel the uncompromising challenge of capitalism, made the mistake of believing that capitalism is amoral or immoral, and that the "moral" would be a revolutionary act (though this theme has been echoed by persons whose status as a revolutionary can at least open to debate). They forget that capitalism has always needed to rely on a foreign corporation to him. She was religious in origin, based on the principles of Protestantism some to justify the unbridled pursuit of profit. Even today, traders are not devoid of morality. We read this excerpt from an interview I did some time ago with precisely one trader:

For cons, I have no problem doing ... For example, BP, you know, BP is an oil company, she had her problems in Louisiana, etc.. The action was divided by four. Me, I mean, they get what they deserve. Me, I go, I sell BP like a pig, because you know the guys anyway, they'll lose money and I mean, they have earned it. Greece, for example, I'm sorry, but Greece have earned it too. They have spent ... they spent above their means. It's really the story of the grasshopper and the ant. It is the cicada, they danced all summer, they spent, they had a huge budget deficit, and now they will say "oh, there's the big bad traders who want to lend us more money ". Yes, well, should spend less money.

There are many morals in the just punishment falling on those who have earned on those who abused the public debt ... Here, moreover, the condemnation of public debt is also reflected in our friends bankrun for other reasons of course (because it would not be "real" money) but still. Moreover, by making a critique of money creation by banks, what do they do except promote a behavior of "ant" management "good man" and even "virtuous ascetic Protestant" ?

transformation of capitalism through an amendment to its "spirit" morale is not a bad idea. Would still have to think seriously about this famous spirit and what we will do, not to promote economic principles exceeded. And above all these movements to gain awareness of what they really require, namely a greater involvement of citizens in decision-making economy. Move the field of democracy, as well as in state enterprise, may be more effective than preparing yet another policy that happening, for media whatsoever, is unlikely to bear fruit.