Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Itchy Rash Legs After Waxing


Once is not custom, I want to start this "sending" a few oratorical precautions, some instructions or advice, I would prefer that you return the choice of terminology . Ideally, these recommendations apply to all music posted on blogs. Here, it is nevertheless a need multiplied. They are:

1) If you are unavailable if you are caught in the whirlwind of a life overactive go your way to better come back later. This is a morning raga, recorded at the Festival of New Delhi in 2002, lasting slightly over 40 minutes. It takes time, peace of mind, nothing else to listen.

2) The price of blank CDs is now less than a loaf of bread - you must be dreaming! - Turn off the sound on your computer, wait until the piece is entirely available for download and copy it to your hard drive. Without listening to it, burn it onto a CD which you can then listen on the best equipment you have at your disposal. If for some reason or another, you were disappointed, you'd lost a little time and a little less than a € uro .-

Santoor: Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma

What happens in this Raga Basant Mukhar between the santoor and tabla from Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma and Ustad Shafaat Ahmed Khan , seems absolutely extraordinary. Power of this music - acoustic, it goes without saying - the virtuosity of the instrumentalists, the sense of hearing them, spent some time playing against each other, rich sound, the size and the resulting hypnotic seems to arise from a relentless mechanical, eventually leaving absolutely stunned, that is, or not, professional or amateur Indian music. And I guarantee you it is not necessary to ingest any substance whatsoever to enjoy.

Tabla: Ustad Ahmed Khan Shafaat

In your comments, you often do me the kindness to consider happy music that I offer. If for some reason or another, you're prejudiced against Indian music, forget your prejudices and other negative experiences and trust me. And listen to it in its entirety. It is obvious that in a piece of this term, all is not played in the early minutes, everything does not happen in the second. Be patient, give yourself time. What happens does not happen by chance exactly, the sequence of notes, phrases, sequences are built over time. If you are disappointed, finally, if you feel I've wasted your time, you can always m'agonir insults in your comments, and in retaliation, depriving the Cadillac of your visit for several days. And I hope with all my heart, Nor ...

Blind Test Day

Blind Test November 29
CARSID (Öçal Burhan & Istanbul Oriental Ensemble - Caravanserai - Network 2000)

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Red Spot At The Tip Of Tongue

Blues Oriental Chicken

September 17 Last Jacques Lacarrière disappear, if not in silence, in a relatively discreet, probably the same who had guided her throughout life. Anyway, do stay, death came, as questions, indivisible core nestled in the heart of a life devoted to writing, indecipherable obsidian. Who was he actually? How did he become the tireless wanderer wandering beautiful and ageless? When source his love of Greece he tempered that fairies, princess among the sovereign, "she bent over her crib for the geometer to turn into suds, poet of the origins and genesis, hedonistic contemplative timeless secrets of nature? What hazards have made him the closest of Icarus and Herodotus, the confidant of hermits, the physician of the gods? What great works he has rubbed to become the sprightly writer and deep, greedy beauties of the world? Books, works, they never respond to these questions?

Series of classic Rebetiko
translated by Jacques Lacarriere

But stay on the side of life. In tender lover of Greece, Jacques Lacarrière could only fall in love of rebetiko . Born in the slums of Athens, in the backrooms of the Harbors of Piraeus, the rebetiko is music bad boys come from anywhere, stranded there, living in misery and the eternal love of hashish which only lasted one day, in pursuit of wild dreams that did not wind ... Posted at this crossroads of East and West, a small group of men in precarious existence manages the feat of finding no sign of encouragement or approval, a musical after its condition . What makes rebetiko music as essential that the blues which he is also the only contemporary. Curiously, something that has shaped the national consciousness in the inflections of the music of thugs and marginal, became the pace of change in Greek society, a singing class, then an art in itself.

We are not so numerous as to listen to the recordings seem sensitive and rare reissues. There are, however. Besides the discs some of the historical figures rebetiko *, it is possible, as long as you want it, to get your hands on stunning compilations that would give an idea of what the rebetiko - childless defined musical genre - from his own genius as its importance in the register of folk art. We take as evidence of the Greeks The East , disk so wonderful that take two or three titles back to tear the rest of my soul and makes me fear for the daring, to have a day to pay the price ...

refugees from Asia Minor and Rebetez
take fresh fish market in Piraeus in 1937

short, hell is there ...

Blind Test Day

Blind Test November 22
Chickenhead ( Project Pat - Mista Do not Play : Workin everythang - Relativity, 2001)

* I am available to users The Cadillac of ... who request it by e.mail, a discography of rebetikos essential.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Natural Remedies For Night Sweats

At Octopuce

... Are we going to return, as suggested by the rumor, the great medieval plagues, responsible for the more cynical among us or the most realistic, to proceed to the general population of spring cleaning, to rebalance our presence on Earth, to halt the looting that we make him suffer? Should we believe him? How can you be sure? At a time when the alarm sounds, where the Apocalypse scold, perhaps it is now urgent in these times of wild avian flu, terror poultry plague bird announced, to go for a ride home Hasil Adkins near Madison, Virginia, where he was born in 1937 and never left.

Hitchckock has a good laugh!

course, the chicken did not lead off today, and probably he did not always that way. Everyone will remember, not without emotion, "poule au pot" of Henry IV, who continues to occupy a prominent place in the curriculum, but most wonderful monument ever erected to the glory of our favorite poultry takes the form of a disc staggering, Poultry in Motion , anthology of historical recordings, a real farmyard sound Hasil Hadkins signed. If, by definition, the chicken could be less stupid, if its wings were not purely decorative, it would not hesitate one second to show gratitude and - who knows? - Could even ask for asylum at this ... pioneer of rock 'n' roll.

Hasil Adkins

In 1955, Hasil Adkins invented psychobilly. Or drunkabilly. Or rockabilly. Whatever! Call it what you want. A music critic wrote that when born rock 'n' roll long ago already qu'Hasil Adkins was going to kill him. Today it is a revered musician - say - the Cramps, Motorhead of or Marilyn Manson. The descendants of these sometimes plays tricks ... Anyway. Won by the demon of the country and hillbilly, Hasil learned to play guitar, harmonica, drums and invented a unique style of rock, both original, exuberant and wild. So would he have written over the years, more than 7,000 songs, recorded, in his mobile home on a single magnetic tape with his salary paid mechanic. And while King was still whispering his love ballads, Hasil wrote Rockabillies of Grand Guignol gore which referred to behead his girlfriend and hang them on the coat rack.

The eggs are here, my chicks. Do not be afraid ...

  • Chicken Walk - 1956 ( Poultry in Motion - Norton Records - 2000)
  • Chicken Hop (ditto )
  • Chicken Blues (ditto )

Blind Test Day

Blind Test November 11
Qidrechinna (Abdel Gadir Salim - Blues in Khartoum - Institute Arab World - 1999)

Friday, November 11, 2005

Best Hair Color Phyto

Apocalypse Escape! there Nothing goes away ...

We all think of names whose evocative power seems so sharp that nothing can dull it. Not even the years, quite the contrary, seem to sharpen the wire. How to explain what it is he? On anything! Nothing specific, anyway. Bookish knowledge is not the cause, experience no more. Maybe it is just a pile of assonance and dissonance, diastole and systole sound whose echo resounds in the most remote areas, or the most secret of our childhood, through what that it was able to hear and catch the rumor world.

Postcard Zanzibar

For my part, Aden, Port Said, Addis Ababa, Djibouti, Mogadishu, Patagonia, Samarkand, - so far, so close - never end making me dizzy. Geographic egotism, daydreams, exotic soul. And then there's the effect of Zanzibar, the most mysterious of all, that just feed a little more a new collection launched by Buda Musique, where triumph already formidable label series Ethiopiques , whose first two volumes Zanzibar seem to extend the spirit.

Zanzibar Rupee

How about the music we like? A good blogger (horrible word), a blog useful not fail to provide valuable information about the popular music of the Swahili coast of East Africa - Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique, Somalia, Comoros - which is devoted this new collection . He would say three words of taarab , specify that come from Arabic, is a word that means excitement, or ecstasy, it is a genre unique to meditation and dance, a concept totally incomprehensible in the West.
Only here. I'm not a good blogger (ditto) and all this does not interest me. Or not much. Or far. I prefer to dream. What was happening in the clubs in Zanzibar throughout the last century? Which beats the girls they were trying to frighten the boys, which allowed them swaying dances they hold them for a moment - an eternity - in their arms? What interests me with music, that's it, is love, desire, wets. The rest is the rest ...

Young Women Swahili

So the track ...!

Blind Test day

Blind Test November 2
Cellar Song - Palace Brothers - There Is No One What Will Take Care Of You - Big Cat Records - 1993

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Ford Fiesta Ipod Connection


Do you feel sometimes, being pursued by bad luck, you swim like that otter, wading into the glue, walking against the wind, to be a subscriber to bad luck? Yes! Between brothers Herman Düne and me is staggered and company, face and back, both sides ... Nothing will! Their biological clock is not the same as mine, their bodies captured at a rate different from mine. When I'm in Paris, they are in mop up, or are hard, when I'm away, they take advantage of - cows! - To give concerts that I know to be great. Continental blues!

I still managed to cross them at a record store, Ground Zero , Where, accompanied by Julie Doiron , they gave a show-box for free. Small acoustic band, great art form. They naturally included several tracks from their latest album, Not On Top , as I still looking for the meaning. How to understand? As a way to suggest they do not feel, or more, at their best. Are they trying to prevent their label that it is not with the shovel of sad songs they reach the top of the charts. With Julie, while still very rough as shown by the provision of Ground Zero?

Andre Herman-Düne

Anyway, one thing is clear to me: the revelation, Andre Herman-Dune, the star, it's him. I realized, like the eye includes the light that was embodied in him the spirit of brotherhood, that we owed him - no matter what the liner notes - these melodies worried that her sweet neurasthenia had found expression in these melancholy songs, he had succeeded in giving shape to the cries that came to him in the chest. Standing in profile, eyes clear, beautiful as the lack Andre played unless it occupied a space - mentally? - As does the shade with summer. At his side, hieratic game of David (guitar, mandolin), his high-pitched voice, the pistons of the snare and hi-hat, all gave the impression that the wind would take us, a road opened wide beneath our feet and we suck ...

Now it's up to you ...

For Toxica

Blind Test day

Blind Test November 1
Want To Come Back (The Ethiopians • Owner Fe De Yard • HeartBeat)

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Anatomy For Beginners Sennis

Too young, too late ...

I just close it - after having finished reading, he will without saying - the latest book by Alain Gerber , Lady Day, Stories of love dedicated to "the greatest singer in the history of Afro-American of the twentieth century, Billie Holiday, for those who did not understand. I must admit I went into the 600 pages backward until I felt filled with the feeling that the author of Fiesta in Blue, wrote too much, too much too soon released, he had engaged in a process case of his dozens of years of jazz, thousands of radio included in its count of theft, articles, liner notes and so on ... I was wrong. I was wrong language conducted myself as the most unworthy of prosecutors, such Voroshilov, I hastily tried and feel compelled today to contrition. If Lady Day ... is not, strictly speaking, a great book, it is nevertheless incredibly documented and demonstrated the sensitivity of these qualities of empathy that we had Alain Gerber used for and who time remained as vivid as before. It said.

Billie Holiday has gone to join Lester Young ten days before my first birthday. Who can imagine the jams they give all these poor people - lucky in these conditions - which have already found the way to heaven? Which audience! And fans! In it you want? In here! Just think ... Even the angels, to whom one does not yet have had to stay babas. Limit jealous! Perhaps they have even begun to look with new eyes all those who would not fail to arrive in the coming centuries. You bet! Good surprises like Lester and his Lady, that does not happen every day! Be patient ...! They were probably disappointed, still bitter, of course ...

Too young

As for me, with a little luck, my turn will come. How could it be otherwise? I await repair. When she came to sing in Paris in 1958, I had been born and did not attend the concert. From that side, my parents were not very smart, never in the right place where it never happens. My mother, I imagine it falling from the sky when reading these lines, we will defend lived in Montpellier, we were not rich and all that ... I think at half. My father, he lived upstairs, above the concert hall, a free place offered by the caretaker placed on the buffet, it would not come down. It's not all. If he had took my mother to this recital of Billie Holiday, she would not today not to leave the nose of the French chanson, Cabrel, Alain Souchon, Delerm, all those guys who only dream at the bottom that make the bag and which, for anything, not admitting it. And then, like the bagpipe, it's too good for them. Anyway, when I go to the concert - the real music we hear well - or hard rock or punk - and I see kids, prams, strollers, kangaroos, I'm green with envy retrospective patient.

Phyllis Dillon , course, is not Billie Holiday. Nobody Billie Holiday Billie Holiday. But no one will hold it against him. Phyllis Dillon has never been her own. And as for all people subject to this condition - or even be just - it probably was not funny every day. Spinoza said, it seems, need to persevere in his being. Should we have a choice! A cat he would apologize for being a cat, he would try to be something else? Not a chance. And we humans, something other than monsters?

Too late

We will demonstrate to the career Phyllis Dillon, three discs in all and for everything from "compilation" that loses its Latin, then disappeared, and late comeback before the disease catches up. That ungrateful success, the public. Not a gift. Prefers the dead flowers on the graves. All Saints musicians, it's every day. And I am no better myself, with my old stuff, not interested in music today, alive.

you like the chrysanthemums? Here are three. For Phyllis. Take this and dance on it ...

Blind Test Day
Blind test of September 24, 2005
Pick A Ball Of Cotton - Leadbelly - Midnight Special

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Mpg Adobe Premiere Green

Prison Blues

Once will not hurt, I could compose this package in the manner of Question for a champion . Top it off! Born in 1914 sentenced homicide, I am serving my sentence at Angola Penitentiary where I sing the blues in accompanying me on guitar ... and blah blah blah, and blah blah blah ...
It says there anything? No. Is not that stupid? Si Could I ever say something? This is not won!

(photo Taylor Lasseigne)

Splash, splash ...! In 1958, came to record songs of prisoners, ethnomusicologist Harry Oster landed at Angola Prison eventually fall on the prisoner Robert Pete Williams who convicted of murder, pays his debt to society by pushing the song in his last entrenchments. Between these walls at the foot of these towers, where 30 years earlier, Alan Lomax another ethnomusicologist, recorded Leadbelly for the first time, Harry Oster engrave in wax laments electrifying Robert Pete Williams and even help secure his release on parole. What should we think of this? Know that what destroyed the rebuilt power? That American society - its brutality, its violence - leads his black artists in the dungeon? Than in the U.S., prisons, run by whites, blacks make great artists? That art, far from being a path that leads nowhere, opens a path to salvation? Who knows ...?

Harry Oster & Robert Pete Williams
Leadbelly and Alan Lomax

The answer, as obvious as a multiply, yet fits in a few LPs of light and sorrow. Set in the human soul to eternity, the blues of Robert Pete Williams took birth in a guitar slightly off, slightly sour, almost out of tune when read as a leathery hand already, the thousand faults of a life, the mistakes along the way, repentance, the pain of being, the questions turned to the sky ...

Robert Pete Williams

So he gave us here to live another life that looks very much like ours.

Blind Test Day

Blind Test September 20
Fognama Kurma of Kasse Mady - National Badema - Syllart

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Leg Pain And Melonoma

Messenger heart

In the very large number of letters - telepathic, alas ! - Received as a result of my last shipment (see, Charlie Feathers), faithful users ... Cadillac essentially asking me what could well be the time and place "where I would rather be than here and now. "Their request seems so legitimate that I feel compelled to answer them, in part at least. Here is the list is not exhaustive, places and times where I would be events where I would have liked to attend or to which I would have liked to be one of the actors, so I was also heavily and fatally myself.

So would I like

  • Living in Dakar in the 60s and 70s. And Addis Ababa, during the same period.
  • Spending a few days in the basement of this house, near Woodstock, which came out - no one knows how - Basement Tapes
  • Become friends with Billie Holiday . Tighten against my heart
  • Smoking a little herb with Lester Young
  • Match with Erik Satie (who never opened his mail)
  • Joining the trio Lightnin 'Hopkins ...
  • Owning a jazz club in New York in the 40 and 50
  • Playing football with Duke Reid and Clement "Coxon" Dodd
However, I was very happy to be on 13 Last September, a Tuesday evening, General Food, bar and restaurant in the rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud where twice per month, the friend Aduna in charge of music programming, has come to share its treasures. We met, chatted, justified the existence of beer. The cook, Senegalese, we even offered an assortment of small entries, exotic tapas, spicy carrots, potatoes and cumin marinated squid with lemon ...

Aduna (earth, world, Wolof )

Finally, there was music, Bembeya Jazz National , Ghana Soundz , Orchestra Baobab ... Incomparable. From beginning to end. Ballads cut the breath and voices as if God whispered to you that you forgive, it is up to you to be happy ... So that's what I did, I was happy.

Wherever you are, paradise it is here ...
Blind Test Day
Blind Test September 16
My Rifle, My Pony And Me Dean Martin & • Ricky Nelson in My Rifle, My Pony and Me

Friday, September 16, 2005

Does Fakku.net Have Virus?

Early rock

Starting to research two years ago, of Get With It: Essential Recordings (1954-1969) of Charlie Feathers, appeared on the label Revenant , I'm not back, just to discover, putting their hands on this disc coveted, Charlie Feathers and Junior Kimbrough had jostled and could remain sound track of this meeting. Sure wish I was a little mouse to see it with my own eyes, two specimens of savagery as it did not stop occurred since prehistoric times, to breathe, to gauge the board to finally hit on the guitar. Anyway, there are so many places and times when I rather be than here and now that I'm there myself more careful. Anyway, Charlie Feathers, I knew little except that he had tried, unsuccessfully, to claim authorship of rock 'n' roll, wrongly attributed, he thought the King Kong became [ed]. As before him Jelly Roll Morton with that of jazz. Classier, old Charlie was not going to print it on his business cards. Had he only business cards? Imagine there a Tyrannosaurus move his card to the principle of evolution is about to win?


On reflection, I think he was right, Charlie Feathers. And that rock 'n' roll owes a lot! Maybe he is not exactly the father - everyone who cares to bottom - but the rock was not the same without these forty-two titles together key where I said. In addition to Elvis and he had crossed at Sun Records course, before Charlie takes its cliques and claques, exasperated by Sam Philips, the boss, who was keen to make a country singer.


How paint the portrait of a man whose music, primitive, raw - if possessed the good Lord himself, assuming that there would be hard to exorcise the demons - has no equal. Should we stick to the few images that moved the net, her pretty face cowboy movie, a palimpsest of Chet Baker, James Dean and Jack Palance? At Vital? Which claims that it was born June 12, 1932 in Holly Springs to get in, one evening in August 1998, in the eternal night. As I know, it happens portrait!

Just listen, it's simpler. Let yourself go! And with any luck, soon you will survey the streets of Memphis in pursuit of a phantom whose wild dreams were washed away by the wind.

Blind Test du jour

Blind Test du 11 septembre
Mwana Wa Ndigwa - Mbiri Young Stars - The Nairobi Beat : Kenyan Pop Music Today - Rounder

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Kentucky Bourbon Barrels For Sale

Fade Fundi

child, I imagined Kenya as a huge reserve, an unknown land acquired primarily to hunters and ivory traders from squandering the riches of the wilderness, fantastic territory which I learned to love the natural splendor in the encyclopedia Wildlife (Ed. Grange Batelière ). The brutality of living there spread out, full page, large pictures where we saw lions and lionesses devouring zebras or gazelles, perfect metaphor - I only knew later - a country, and a whole continent, Africa, ruthlessly butchered by a predator more fierce than even the fiercest of them. Today things are different. I grew and matured, acquired a know a little bit different and make me another picture of Kenya. Which, obviously, goes, also, for music.


How I discovered Fundi Konde and these 17 tracks compiled by RetroAfric , whose label seriously - only real guarantee of fun - commits the quality? Thanks to Louis Skorecki again, inexhaustible reservoir of musical, which chronicles Disc - published in World, a magazine now defunct - I had packed. "Packaged, it weighed! "As they say. And all things considered, this is a wonderful disc that can be recognized - whatever one may think - just one source of popular music in Africa today. This is not nothing. Known as the first musician from East Africa to have grabbed an electric guitar, Fundi Konde is remembered for having composed in 1956 Malaika , it registers with one of the most popular Kenyan performers of the era, Fadhili William. This tube will be true again later by many African musicians without the paternity of her title is still recognized.

Fadhili William (left) and Fundi Konde

ballads, lullabies - imagine, lullabies! Who writes? - Pulsating calypso and rumba hypnotics comprise the bulk of this Retrospective (1947-1956) or seventeen historical rarities recorded the first time in 1946 in Calcutta, India on label Dum Dum . Until you can listen to this stuff, nothing will be quite rotten in the field of recorded music!

Cognac-Jay here at the studios ... you
Blind Test of the day (difficult)
Blind Test 7 September: No Dad has not wanted - Mireille 1929-1935 - Chansophone

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Hotpoint Iced Diamond

Rose that's life or Murphy's Law

December 14, 1948, a young black woman, round as an apple of love, enters the RCA studios in Hollywood. A guitarist, Jack Marshall , and a bassist, Major Holey Quincy, accompany it. The following month, she will celebrate her 35 years. Meanwhile, she sings, tease a piano stomps on a washboard. A few hours later, A Little Bird Told Me; Baby, Baby; Pennies From Heaven and You Were Meant For Me are boxed. Belote. 31, just before New Year's Eve Eve, Rebelote, Rosetta Girls Were Made To Take Care Of Boys; Honeysuckle Rose Busy Lines ... run into the wax. In a flurry of titles, The Chee-Chee Girl was born. Champagne! Many other sessions will follow you will find pleasure in a wonderful assortment of sweets, (The Chee-Chee Girl), The Complete RCA Victor Recordings . I beg you, use you, take as many as you want!


Formed by pianist Fats Waller 's voice Rose Murphy, his singing does not owe anything to anyone. How are they even have suggested to him not to sing as her voice may sound strange, shrill, as if shedding did not come to argue that his voice remained that of a little girl that was good 'to a recitation of rhymes while jumping rope? I guess nothing is easy when the great singers of the era called Billy Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald , Sarah Vaughan, Dinah Washington , Helen Humes , Betty Carter ...

photo: Rodney Jay Atienza

Is the pleasure lavished on piano to start exploring it in a way no less personal, wonderfully rhythmic, at once firm and flexible. And then the voice. Voice of an angel, an altar boy more accurately, whose candor can sometimes squeak squeaks like sugar, tease teeth. Listen to what becomes Honeysuckle Rose , sketched by that voice. You tell me the news.

The altar is here

Blind Test of the day (very easy)

Blind Test September 2: .44 Pistol (1994) - Robert Burnside - Too Bad Jim - Fat Possum - 1994

Friday, September 2, 2005

Slogans For Eating Dal

The clothes do not make the monk

With his improbable cap Herman Alexander a bit like the captain of a ship wheels with gigantic blades never cease to stir as if the Mississippi was to mix colors or to take the rich silt. Or maybe it is a cap of Employee Railway that he is not come to mind to take off for the camera. Far from being enforced, these similarities are bound to be pushed farther soon realized that this incredible bluesman, whose morphology is almost as dry as the game has not registered more than a genuine sign vessel or a professional background.


Eleven titles skinny - the longest does not exceed four minutes - are a total of twenty-seven minutes in all and for all, a rustic blues whose music power catapult Herman Alexander in the community more closed than we think, of very great blues musicians. For eternity! Pace Wim Wenders, then these musicians have never needed to jump into the air or trigger hurricanes decibels to leave footprints and memories. A skimpy costumes, an acoustic guitar, a life in the best case, were largely the case.

Exit Theatre on Beale Street, 1939

Born in Tunica, Mississippi, 1 st January 1925, Herman Alexander learned to play guitar by listening to records while his father taught him the harmonica. A few years later, he met pianist Alabama Red to which he will complete his education by greatly expanding his repertoire. Street musician, his reputation would probably never exceeded Beale Street and Handy Park (Memphis), where officials Austrian label Wolf Records had had the foresight to save it. One may regret about it that it was necessary to add to these eleven tracks of eight new titles Cedell Davis . Despite all the love that we devote to it, a disc full devoted to the work of Herman Alexander would probably have been preferable.

The raw material is here

Blind Test Day
Blind Test August 30: Ahmad's Blues (1958) - Ahmad's Blues , Ahmad Jamal, Chess, 1994