Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Ford Fiesta Ipod Connection


Do you feel sometimes, being pursued by bad luck, you swim like that otter, wading into the glue, walking against the wind, to be a subscriber to bad luck? Yes! Between brothers Herman Düne and me is staggered and company, face and back, both sides ... Nothing will! Their biological clock is not the same as mine, their bodies captured at a rate different from mine. When I'm in Paris, they are in mop up, or are hard, when I'm away, they take advantage of - cows! - To give concerts that I know to be great. Continental blues!

I still managed to cross them at a record store, Ground Zero , Where, accompanied by Julie Doiron , they gave a show-box for free. Small acoustic band, great art form. They naturally included several tracks from their latest album, Not On Top , as I still looking for the meaning. How to understand? As a way to suggest they do not feel, or more, at their best. Are they trying to prevent their label that it is not with the shovel of sad songs they reach the top of the charts. With Julie, while still very rough as shown by the provision of Ground Zero?

Andre Herman-Düne

Anyway, one thing is clear to me: the revelation, Andre Herman-Dune, the star, it's him. I realized, like the eye includes the light that was embodied in him the spirit of brotherhood, that we owed him - no matter what the liner notes - these melodies worried that her sweet neurasthenia had found expression in these melancholy songs, he had succeeded in giving shape to the cries that came to him in the chest. Standing in profile, eyes clear, beautiful as the lack Andre played unless it occupied a space - mentally? - As does the shade with summer. At his side, hieratic game of David (guitar, mandolin), his high-pitched voice, the pistons of the snare and hi-hat, all gave the impression that the wind would take us, a road opened wide beneath our feet and we suck ...

Now it's up to you ...

For Toxica

Blind Test day

Blind Test November 1
Want To Come Back (The Ethiopians • Owner Fe De Yard • HeartBeat)


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