In the very large number of letters - telepathic, alas ! - Received as a result of my last shipment (see, Charlie Feathers), faithful users ... Cadillac essentially asking me what could well be the time and place "where I would rather be than here and now. "Their request seems so legitimate that I feel compelled to answer them, in part at least. Here is the list is not exhaustive, places and times where I would be events where I would have liked to attend or to which I would have liked to be one of the actors, so I was also heavily and fatally myself.
So would I like
- Living in Dakar in the 60s and 70s. And Addis Ababa, during the same period.
- Spending a few days in the basement of this house, near Woodstock, which came out - no one knows how - Basement Tapes
- Become friends with Billie Holiday . Tighten against my heart
- Smoking a little herb with Lester Young
- Match with Erik Satie (who never opened his mail)
- Joining the trio Lightnin 'Hopkins ...
- Owning a jazz club in New York in the 40 and 50
- Playing football with Duke Reid and Clement "Coxon" Dodd
Aduna (earth, world, Wolof )
Finally, there was music, Bembeya Jazz National , Ghana Soundz , Orchestra Baobab ... Incomparable. From beginning to end. Ballads cut the breath and voices as if God whispered to you that you forgive, it is up to you to be happy ... So that's what I did, I was happy. Wherever you are, paradise it is here ...
- Make It Slow, Make It Fast (Ghana Soundz • Afro-Beat, Funk & Fusion Music in 70's • Soundway)
- Ballake (Bembeya Jazz National • Special Reports • Souvenir Bolibana)
- Aduna Jarule Naawo (Orchestra Baobab • • N'Wolof DakarSound)
- Incognito (15 minutes of happiness)
My Rifle, My Pony And Me Dean Martin & • Ricky Nelson in My Rifle, My Pony and Me
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