Saturday, January 16, 2010

How Can U Tell If A Dog Has Ringworm

I hate the word "glamorous"! (And I'm right!)

You know me, (if not all say that you are afflicted with a delay which we will have to resign ourselves to imagine in a great burst of unbridled optimism that it is not irreversible and not too damaging to the quality of our reports and future), so you know me, I said, I made temperance man. Extravagrifouillante * The complexion of my modest person leads me to pragmatism and determination, the lucid as inspiration, charm and candor, and I scent no effort to be both educated and curious, eloquent and composed, open minded and available to heart. Simply put you damn the bowl to know me. But sometimes I
, rarely true, but sometimes I get carried away by fads that border on the irrational and releases that vie with the disease. Unless This is the reverse. Regardless, fads or rejections, what is certain is that, basically, after careful analysis, it appears every time I'm right. I know it's annoying, but true.
I'll make you sit up first, then you do not ask so much of the aversion that inspires unlimited word "glamorous".
Kikipédia says that well enough to enlighten us about the existence of this term soft plastic, it would cause, which we confirmed to be in favor of abortion, a Anglicism intended to qualify I quote "a sensual beauty, charm and brilliance, characteristic of certain female stars of Hollywood." By extension, if not by répansion *, we came to use this package sticky seven letters to qualify a bit of everything and anyone or anything, provided it focuses on the mythology of wallpaper sequin , the main component of a decoration or an eternal throne pot of glucose for suffocating clouding some people photographed with sodas insipid to make them bladders for lanterns. And admittedly, it works pretty good! ...
It is only heard on what your facilitator enamored of sub-marketer gondolier turluteur the micro works to chuckle that word as if the marshmallow was divine. Including antennas on the keeping of which leads more frequently to discuss officiating works as a cultural-glando clitoral tears of indescribable clique stupid fresh vases being syrupy their fifteen minutes of fame background sewer ripolin.
It is more than our days, our nights either for that matter, delicately pretty face cracked a smile toothpaste, clothes carefully by écharpées créââââteur with a number of caret level proportional to its self-overestimation, or clip-art-bum princely without any drippings from glamorous do ooze from between the lips of commentators protrusions or importing Party. It is no longer a kazoo or a gazelle paddling before a microphone on a brilliantly composed music with two notes, (the mid and the like that it's been a friend and that's cooool), without the retro senile service at the helm of the program does under him by laying the "glamorous" as if it was on the verge of a sugar shortage. Until the ministerial office or the title of minister the more "glamorous" between two or three pitchers who both go to the soup at the end they casent is debated by journalists whose assumptions can sometimes glimpse the boiled-listed on the front pages of magazines vested in more tacky than this cult line, middle or not.
What makes up the word "glamor" of the word love by which we know as much propensity to kill each other to overlap, and, basically, a ladle, has been instrumental in creating which became more beautiful in this world since he came to be wanting to become human understandable in order to escape the fate of handbags from his cousin the crocodile. There are indeed many opportunities that the human rises from saurian that descend from primates. If you go there, yes. And why would go there not? So glamorous consists of the word love and a ridiculous prefix 'gl' Gold at the beginning of what this word is also used g and l: sticky to yellow, to Glob of Spit in mucus, to chuckle at yelp in glandouiller, and so on.
It is therefore not need more than hearing a song that usually requires that either not necessarily written by any pair of knees to notice the ugly sound of the word "glamorous".
But if we consider the rate of over-breeding of all kinds of bulky artistic pretensions, where there is rampant exploitation of the anal stage, it is understood that the dissonance coarse word "glamorous" may go unnoticed.
But that's no reason!
Just a while ago that I could hear him, projecting a screen before which my wanderings of the day took me a few minutes, the voice of an uneducated speaker program for deficient under fifty years of whispered about a work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, he found it "glamorous." I'm a steadfast supporter of the abolition of the death penalty, I admit it happens to me too, sometimes, dream of the charms of a butcher. Certainly one could
pleasantly surprised that the aforesaid bavouilleur knew Herr Mozart. But this project skinny satisfaction prowling the confines of a self-indulgent lazy, can only pathetically enough. Mozart is everything you want, and you may not even be touched more than that : But it is not glamorous! Similarly Michelangelo, it is not glamorous! Similarly Victor Hugo, this is not glamorous! Even musical! Na!
be clear that term chemical additive that petro-oily, can at best only agree that the worlds dazed Peoples destitution common jars of cold water is used during the reign of sacrament of the holy church of Mickey.
Let us agree: it does not sort!

* Lexical Inventions whose definitione ** located in the famous dictionary illiteracy **. * ** See


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