Friday, December 18, 2009

Funny Fake Illnesses Names


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Of names of all kinds. Names everywhere. The sounds of their statements clumsy, tone full, banging the windows on the other side where the planes are filled and emptied. Lobby of the Miami airport. Return destination. Names in English, English, German, French, Italian. Names of people expected, late, lost, lost, become important as their surnames sound throughout the hall and beyond, due to an empty seat in the device, a name on a list that was unable to check. The cardinal virtue of security has come over all points, his crazed reign weathervane above all horizons. Reserved and somewhat shy, there is not a passenger who says anything against it and the aircraft is fragile. We searched the luggage without our knowledge. We remind you to ask you for your identification. The melody cold and short electronic notes that warn of a further appeal to anyone. Takes this one, that's three times at least one advertisement. Still nothing apparently. We begin to know the name. According to the sounding vaguely we invent a physical. With one or two calls for more we come to think of an embryo of history. Then we will question. A mystery creep among travelers on the same flight. Gradually this is akin in this case we have to surprise anyone who wears it, and who is there in the middle of an area which is imperceptibly away, circumventing, before a service order or organize neutralization of the perimeter, the object appears so monstrous he can hold the potential, as it is ridiculous that it contains ultimately, as we finally open it, having found no explosives in principle: the shirts, pants, underpants, socks, a toilet, a bath towel "Mickey Parade", a box of condoms. And
images: to wait before boarding: rows of monitors connected to CNN. Bush made his circus: the more you see, the more one knows that it is him, the U.S. President, the more you listen, the more one observes, his gestures, his poses, his bluster, the more we hard to believe that this is possible under representation of this kind that this country is governed. This has the advantage of being regularly convince that its role will very soon be over. And the disadvantage of being able to think that if he could get it put it where it is grotesque and stupidissime individual, it is not possible to exclude that maintains it there. With the same means; borrowed the worst practices of a banana republic which would have the cynicism a Soviet empire.
In the days that I spent in this town of nothing, I saw the front pages of newspapers: it ranges from those who are killed, as acts of war, to those cut into pieces. Video support. We went, following the logical course which could be expected, the dead in the fighting prisoners tortured. All this is
image. We could iron bands to infinity almost. Tarantino is not this time: it's direct live: the blade will cut into the flesh of the neck tissues, one after the other, the blood will flow very quickly, it looks simple. But we guess it must have to handle a well-defined for doing the act. Do not half measures. The hand holding the sufferer must be as strong as the one that wields the knife. As in the halls of the Abu Ghraib prison, one must have tempered the members in an imperturbable certainty of a right above all else to torture prisoners of this prison as those were. Like those of all prisons. Of all the abuses. All authorities in the plan. Including democratic rigged.
We know this for a long time. Many legacies left us evidence of what is more or less complete. The hearings are far from over.
Maybe not yet images like this : Where it relates to such a potential to be all that again, either we accept that everyone must have a way to free himself, is not confirmation that the universal way is to leave us always thank you these horrors.
Bush: this individual does not exist. It's a decoder that sends us the message of another form of power that exceeds course, and now leads more surely than any other leader of this state or another, has never governed. If revolutions s'originent and organized from the rupture between the peoples and their leaders, we see indeed, as in Europe too, and in many other places, which is being prepared, in a time that is uncertain, but for a term which is almost inevitable. So it was
Miami city anything. A friend. An invitation. A week that nothing in the Land of palms, businessmen, beaches, sun. A luxury residence. The Lyncoln Avenue and bustling cafes. The comfort of consciousness wanderings in the warm evening. Groups sprawled in the seats wide. Other tightened around sonos indifferent. Everyone is nice. There are no clashes. No aggression. We'd like it appeared implicitly in the artificial amber halo the evening that manufacturing was necessary. Ocean Drive is the uproar over to cover this expense further dummy mood vitalist. The facades clinquance flashing, colorful, outrageously colored and illuminated. Solicitation multisexe: each, each is the whore of the other. This is not an eroticism that comes from the eyes. It's a pornography that oozes from the body. It is a time consuming and do nothing. Love still less than everything. An illusion of more to crush the sweet. The softer. The so soft. That of simple lips brush against the neck to the bite. That of a body slowly makes two. The smell forever. Mesh wire so attached to the burr under the dawn of the dead.
Here everything is done so that nothing dies. Let nothing be great enough to die. But I have not seen other neighborhoods like those everywhere, in cities of this country and other countries, other cities, many, where they piled up, is stored, the raw material of all productivist society: wage labor to tap.
Just a getaway out of area to Key West: nothing to do with a key or west. The first Spaniards to have addressed this long hook of land on edge of water for Florida in case the ysthme cede the Panama - and he has transferred from one channel but not the hook been helpful - these first English, then, have found on these pieces of land that remains: Key West is a complex and slow deformation of a word in English meaning bones. Key West: the idea of a possible arrangement despite the importance of highly visible gay community. The wooden houses and the danger of flooding. A I do not know what to say more honest in the proposed person to be there. A quiet buzz. Soft colors. A safeguard clause on a stall turquoise.
Reminder, hesitant yet concrete enough, the city where I had spent the previous week: Syracuse. Eye of Sicily oriented. Eastward. On a boat moored to the old town, isolated from the mainland shortly. The skipper had the same tastes as you for Berlusconi to Bush: the taste of murder. I remember.
Aeolus and his company of Olympus are a little lazy, or capricious. Three days in any browser. Technical and exhilarating. Vesperal arrivals in ports where the tiny little concern with the fact mingling arrangements cost around ancient wonders. We discover in jewelry boxes of concrete. Farther inland, old Baroque cities defend their treasures, a little Italian, without really seeming to care, but Ultimately without yielding to the assaults optimizers. Ragusa, Noto, or sense of theater to live day by day. Any ragazzo, ragazza any, exchanged declarations in tympanum of a church where they were to hear an anachronistic Callas singing the Elixir of Love. Any love could melt through their lips by protecting them from a balcony two griffins beautiful. Any lover has been left alone on the immense staircase of a palace tan and pink, his head in his hands, helpless. It is formed when Prince was born in these cities.
I have long languished in Syracuse. On this stage there too. Superimposed ancient city of beauty, and the inevitable grime that any city in the south, or is it the mediterranean sea, or is it Latin, more or less paints itself as a mature woman paints itself with its powders, worried her charms and anxious shadows that come with age, and respond more positively to the sun before.
I'm in this summer, amid the steam bath and clarity. With two strides of seasons where I wanted to give up what we are, I remember, sometimes close to talk to us, and we feel we look, we understand sometimes. Finally with nothing and I mean that without the project take a little sand in the palm of my hand and let it slip through my fingers in the screen of yours and so on, until a residue, traces of silicate on our palms. Proof of anything. No way to know which beach we would have had time to shake all the sand. I've never been able to get into the habit it has ceased. I know many find the taste and pleasure to repeat these actions. And to put into words.
But Syracuse was in the spring. I love Italian. It's beautiful as the French and the more it sings. It was always an ass and it's called an ass. Yet it can complain as a ceiling covered with gold. The route of a boat on the flood una furtiva lagrima predictable, the edge of being funny, was the sincerity of silence then concealed. Opera modest. Italy has an eternity. Like France. Who ignores descends into the dungeons of civilization. Makes you look at Syracuse. Federico, our host, told me that it is because in a city like Syracuse, it knows all and all more or less, then one that matt or that which crosses to see if we can identify with. It is frequently the case, but where, when, sometimes it is remote, we hear about it, it takes time, whether it also takes a drink, we mark a mutual friend, takes we'll call it, we'll drink other drinks, so come and eat pasta at home is a big family, so great to be together, we forget that everyone is crying, Una furtiva lagrima, in the throat of the waves, in echoes of the golden stone. Living in solitude. And I must not omit mention of this group of street cats, five or six, under a porch in an alley, trying to devour all round, a big plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce. It is unique. And nothing in the world would have disturbed: just one regret: I do not remember their names.


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