Sunday, December 17, 2006

Seating Arrangment Auditorium Template

disturbing stories, thrillers
blacks live in ...
(But why go to the movies?)

That the CIA (or any spooks) long infiltrating terrorist networks ... even democratic movements is known. But some attacks, or guerrillas themselves are linked to states that are supposed to be their target seems unthinkable, absurd. Burlesque same.

See ... When a country has any interest, For example, empty region of its occupants (for exploiting it, there drill-if it includes oil-or strategic reason) the idea was germinating in effect in the Machiavellian raison d'état .
The following analysis is both brilliant, perfectly plausible ... even terrifying and disturbing, really.

The structure of any terrorist group
promotes infiltration and exfiltration

" A terrorist group or activist is necessarily clandestine . The caution is well organized into small cells separated from each others where only the head has a contact with the top. Strongly hierarchical it reproduces and even cartoon society he fights . Each member has a duty of absolute obedience and nothing can control its actions.

However, a terrorist group seeks to recruit : it often lacks of elements determined, efficient and manageable ready to sacrifice for the cause. Anyone who pretends to be a supporter can easily infiltrate the ... Preferably before or after passing a "coup" spectacular (with the complicity of police of course). Thus, special agents infiltrated the Red Brigades.

Since power control as well the various policies that the secret services, these special agents could easily make coups. And they acquired a good reputation among BR. and rose rapidly in rank. A force to improve their image with new feats, they finally arrive in the hierarchy of BR. just below its historical leaders. On the occasion of a stunt, they brought them down and once they in prison, they were the secret agents who were at the head of BR without the base does not suspect anything. The method is simple and unstoppable.

"On Terrorism and the state" by Gianfranco Sanguinetti explains how the big show the kidnapping of Aldo Moro killed the Italian spring 78. This technique has been successful with the BR. It was then used in Germany with the Red Army Faction and Action Directe in France. This method had already been experienced in Indochina and Algeria successfully. Sometimes, in the countries to submit special services create their own guerrilla groups or terrorists or opponents can directly make a move "dramatic": Next, a false claim criminalizes vis-à-vis the media and public organization that will target lynched ... or extolled, which is also good in both cases. (They will track down and annihilate the elements recruit really dangerous.)

Another technique is the opposite exfiltration: the secret service return an item if possible importance of a terrorist group actually exists. Following an arrest, the contract is put in hand, in case it may be useful (in the opposite case, a pistol shot did the trick) or you become a mole or ... there are multiple variants, it kills your ... (Wife / husband / mother ...) These are obviously elements located above the terrorist groups that are against their nominees first. Again, it is the head is affected. Sometimes they return again. Their life is usually quite brief.

The technique may become more complex with that of the "horn of distress" when the offender intentionally leave to appeal on his family, (you can also use the media) to flush out supporters ... and smuggle a mole previously targeted. Who will have no choice but to agree. This is the same. Then escape the "martyr" (the "goat" instead) and its disappearance welcome in a foreign country if possible, end the affair at best.

In England, Brigadier Kitson, an intelligence officer in Kenya against the "Mau Mau" is an ace in the matter. He even wrote a manual technique of pseudo-gang inspired by Colonel Trinquier. He then infiltrated the IRA in the same way. Designed, he teaches his methods in various European countries (see Roger Faligot "Special War in Europe", the Irish laboratory). Indeed, the Irish experience is any school in Europe. But the military books are never read by the protesters, or if they are, they may believe in the hoax, a propaganda designed to discredit the groups to which they belong or to which they devote boundless admiration (this can happen in fact, too.) It done so long as the IRA. is manipulated by the British secret service.

The technique was then applied to the ROs. Italian with FAR. Germany, Action Directe in France and, of course, the FLNC. and ETA.: all are manipulated by the secret services of states they are supposed to fight. This also applies to the Fata'h.

infiltration Why?

The benefit of these technologies to states that practice? It is huge. The power commander guerrillas and terrorist groups, control and attracts them to individuals who otherwise would be really dangerous. Can also justify vis-à-vis the population every crackdown even more extreme. Some organizations responsible for so-called attacks are doomed to obloquy, which stops any gesture of protest from the people who terrorized the confusion and fears drift: against the common enemy, formed a united front. Racism can also be effectively enhanced if necessary, and a leader who had little chance to climb suddenly sees his electorate is so ... The pseudo-war between the state and a guerrilla (or terrorist group) separated from the population plays the same role that a conventional war : it controls or removes any revolt.

Another technique quite close but is more timely provocation. One group (or state) terrorist attacks committed against his people ... to be logically attributed to the enemy, then pushing the lukewarm toward the "right" way. The Irgun (Israel) and the OAS practiced it. There is today evidence that some particularly heinous attacks against Jews were the work of the Irgun and cons black feet, the OAS itself. It is likely that this also plays in the other direction. Azzedine Kalak, PLO representative, moderate and bright, was probably killed by infiltrators Fat'a his attitude annoyed.

If things go really bad, this can still be caught by the power of these terrorist groups even if they do not fully control: it is, by its absolute hierarchy already established state ( therefore manipulable). The mafia, too, is illegal and prioritized for this state nearly the same benefits as a terrorist group or a guerrilla, but its very power that the balance of power at that time can be reversed: c is that it uses more power than the reverse. "

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Without flash, disturbing ... and highly explanatory: a series of strange events suddenly light up. The leader of the group responsible for bombings in Paris Metro (among others) ... which was never recovered, passing miraculously through the cracks yet tight taut by the police each time, (a real detective story), which nobody asked too forcefully Extradition (which was long denied) when it appeared that living happily in England ... lamplighter poor run in front of journalists, who even pulled ashore on the gendarmes, who paid for all ...
... the other head by cons who got out of the case and also leads to Algeria where he also ran the happy days (in full view of police) until his untimely death in a hotel room (which we do the rest not sure) ...
... the links between terrorist groups Kurds and Turkish police (even the Grey Wolves, their hereditary enemies), certified (in the book and guessed Helen Larrivé "Marriage Kurdish ")... the treatment of Abdullah Occalan princely in his prison palace where he writes, publishes, receives and gives orders to the PKK ... Everything can be explained.

It is urgent to empty Kurdistan Kurds who clung (It is their country after all) to be able to drill for oil. And the Kurdish irredentist have always been unreliable for the Turkish power, as any suffering people, inevitably a little resentful. Double hit. Guerrilla independence (terribly murderous, quasi genocide there too) also did the trick of Turkish power *, leading to a mass exodus of Kurdish peasants without even having to kill them or deport them as the good old days ... only a Kurdish group may be initially willing to save the honor, culture and land of Kurds certainly, and also his money ... group whose head had been infiltrated and / or corrupted by the Turkish authorities. The fact is that the PKK atrocities thereafter (PKK infiltration, ie the Turkish power) revolted even the Kurds who had originally committed to the movement, and accelerated the exodus: the two sides, they were squeezed. The case ended, "we" stop the fighting (all are in agreement, and that first Occalan in prison, always gives his orders) ... and "we" can deal with the help of U.S. to get serious, that is drilling.

Fascists génocideurs pan-Turk, the historical leaders of the Kurdish genocide, Turkish police and the middle hand in hand (vertigo!) ... may have thus achieved an "excellent" shot, at least for them ...

A people may be killed with the complicity of some of its political leaders: profits and losses. The oil first. The scenario is plausible.

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* Erdal, the hero of sulfur "Kurdish Wedding" tells of his word remains mid exfiltration from a Kurdish terrorist group the PKK, (under threat), to the Turkish secret service ... then its reversal then, (but this part where the case is probably designed by concern to preserve its aura fiction). The threat involved with him and unfortunately it was followed effect: it gave way.

Subsequently, the approach by this insistent of the heroine in France, could then be simply connected to an infiltration attempt: editor, writer engaged, married to a pro-Palestinian ... Perhaps it was a possible target to investigate. Either immediately or at the market again it was put into his hands when he was arrested. But he played the game and his ineffectiveness became obvious (though he had other strings to his bow : The Turkish far-right *). The way he then demanded her to display a scenario in love (so untrue) can also be explained: it was for him a guarantee against the intelligence services which he played. (Admittedly, there was nothing to say it - perhaps it was precisely this point that he had been asked to check- but otherwise he never sought to make her talk, however: to Mid word he even tried to warn ). This also explains his extraordinary "baraka" (deported at least three times including one outright for the "fun" to the left- border, he took the train in the other direction and found himself in front of his "beloved", the very next day ... but anyway each time to return shortly after the full view of everyone passing in front of indifferent policemen in the streets of a village where everyone knows everything about everyone) ... He seemed sure of virtual impunity (and he was, to some extent) ... Defiant bravery of a young man in love? Maybe not. Not only.

* For the extreme right movements, in this case the Grey Wolves are also good candidates for infiltration, especially abroad where they do a little of what they want: they represent also a risk for power, even if it usually works hand in hand with them. Far from the motherland, it can form splinter groups, rivals .. or worse, pure ... which is very bad for business (mostly drugs, real estate and some women). A Kurdish arose is a godsend racialized, it will easily leverage against those who racisent. And as Turkey, he can still infiltrate.

Redite: why do we go to the movies? ! Just stay at home ...

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