Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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Words sewer

Those are dirty words, these phrases filthy, filthy remarks, heard here and there for years, inadvertently sown by false media awards declaimed as a world inevitable by a few repositories of political authority or economic purposes pitifully shameful to distill the poison flow depths that take the place of ideals, project, program.
An exhaustive list would be long to do. So it may be sufficient to its option to pick a few and put them together to sew the pieces and find the plan taking shape when, in the case or it would still be a discovery, or appear to have confirmed seeing the outlines of an appalling and barbaric speech consistent assertions these words despite denials dispersed after them by their creator and their henchmen in search of a contradiction with fig leaf to cover their shamelessness instincts too compromising.
It is not exactly issue a demonstration. It comes by itself. Awaken the sense of listening sometimes fragmented which prevents us to relate, as they are yet in their wake threatening, these words all of the outputs breviary insane voices that are transmitted by oral gravediggers of the human whose brood swarms everywhere today and who take pleasure at any particular sober and counting and everything under the chopping blade fixing their balance sheets. Starting
course by humans.

"Society does not exist! "Uttered the well-shabby boursico shopkeeper who did so calamitous Office ruling British government from May 1979 to November 1990. Taking his dreams a reality in fact she proclaimed her dearest wish: that the company did not exist. No longer existed. That everything that makes the social body in the country is reduced as much as possible to a set as possible individualities undefined, reduced, in turn, only to be more, each, than competing all others. And the best man win. Best to do all the characters that make the dominant Almighty on this subject so dominated the first time, and even submitted a second time to compete among themselves.
Later, later, an officer of a large factory programs debilitating nature television retailer, a magazine whose profile had to guarantee confidentiality about the discretion of nauseating, the sole object of his action: broadcast programs whose content is mentally uplifting least possible that there are flattered that there are more primary, more basic, more rough, so that consumers of these programs are in position to absorb like sponges docile other content of this richly rewarding TV channel: the multiple and long beaches advertisements. Formulated with the very words used by the direct This officer spoke in substance as well: "My job is to sell available brain time to Coca-Cola. In a terminology more common formats own language, if we dare say, this breed of greedy bosses outright, it could have been a less explicit form but not a mechanical closer to those that are user manuals for recurring exercises profitability boundless: "The profitability ratio of an advertisement is proportional to the reduction of sensory transducers. The efficiency of these sensors must be kept closer to the level where are the instincts. Any form of development intelligence relied on free will and critical thinking should be avoided and even forbidden. "
A little further, a little later, it was the turn of the leader of a powerful employers' organization, at the inauguration of its first term in office, seem to leave one of the foundations of its political approach and economic: "Life is fragile, love is precarious, why not work would it not? Madame defender of the interests of an entrepreneurial class among the most archaic and most backward in the world forum expressed concerns of shareholders, contributors club neo-feudal she had to take the lead. As many tusks obstinate and obtuse, never accept nor in form or in their substantive laws in our republic, our democracy, allowed employees to classes to improve their situation in a haphazard economic development, to acquire rights against the forces possessing little incentive to share, to evolve, taking on progressively from the pomp and dreadful tragedies in the history of the Twentieth Century, the path of an existing structure, reconstruction of a reconstruction of what produces what is called generically cohesion of a society.
Love is precarious? And what is mixed does one lady?
Life is precarious? What does this mean? Yes, that's right: the life of the little rodent that hops around in the meadow while a hawk on his background, his life is precarious. The delicate dragonfly flutters to the surface of the pond frog thank you for an appetite, his life is precarious. The gazelle is going to drink at the edge of a pond while the big crocodile walks between two waters, life is precarious. But all this has a name. A name that, whatever its geographical relevance, means all of such behavior: it's called the law of the jungle. And the law of the jungle is a strictly opposed to that which should guide in the ideas and manners, that any civilization that decides to move away from the time of the caves.
Still further, which brings us of course times when we are the primary resident of the palace where sits the summit of power in our country offered an extension to the above quotes. While we have noted that in his case is a slip, which will tell some of his detractors amazed that he had not meant what he had said. With the potential for conviction of these people, it is therefore only a ridiculous flirtation with intent wry smile. "The human being is not a commodity like others. "Said the provisional potentate.
is when I entered the "active life, (ie there are more than thirty years now), assuming that the life of a child or adolescent is a passive life, that began to be promoted in the same panels, indicators of their premises, the semantic shift that changed a few years in business the "Service staff "to" Human Resources ". Followed by dragging a modernist whose pidgin vocabulary endless pollution from fouling the political thought and action economist at which it was submitted, this index at the time could first appear with the artifice Searched . Make that the word is human superposât at first sight the word "resources". So forget that in the former designation "personal" contained in itself the presence of people.
Resource: as a subject. As commodity. As amount of gross proceeds to be agreed to reluctant to dominate the plasticity to be able to use as easy as any other.

It is fashionable to assert that national policies or international, or almost all subject to rules that economists no promoter has never been directly confronted with the practice of suffrage as it exists in a democracy, these policies, therefore, do not proceed from any ideology, no established body of thought as was the case, for example, Marxism, its aftermath and its avatars.
Wrong. Certainly there would be no such thing as "bible" containing all the project economics called liberal or neo-liberal or ultra-liberal, according to the chapels.
But there is a draft. It may seem authoritarian and for the less biased to collect the contents in a few quotes. But over the troubled waters of political discourse electorally committed to demonstrate programmatically singularities but chained to a total tyrannical imperium, to reveal the watermark soujacent, also aimed at décomplexion, however, seems even flow from this source words that escape the clergy government to serve this project in exchange for thrones and glories coarse. This project may still be available for the benefit of a certain democratic spirit, soon to be residual and ever adulterated inaccuracies on which the ruling Peoples could have taken but which media vehicles ensure the daily slow heavy, confident and development.

"The human being is a commodity like no other, but a commodity nonetheless. To use it with all the possible gifts should be in shape, to model the propensity to respond with the same facilities as any other commodity. To reach this state the human being should be deprived of up to everything that makes so little that it is his personality, his person: the thinking, emotions, Judgement, memory, culture. The objective to be pursued to obtain the desired semi-finished product is the reduction of the individual to even less than himself, the way of subtracting any recourse to a mode of socialization or association who can help to generate or regenerate some element of solidarity whatsoever. "
Nb: This last quote is not Alain Minc.


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