Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Can You Highlight Short Hair

Democrat Moving

is a nice word Democrat. It is a beautiful word. Voice of the People. Not the voice of the people. No. Voice of the People. Me, a democrat, I am voice of the people. A. Among others. Nothing less. Nothing more. On one condition. An express condition. A thousand and one condition. A condition that is apparent, which may show no simplification process: the voice that is mine and I can expect in return an echo of all those to which it is mixed, opposed, in a set where it may be unrecognizable, but in a set also, where I know I could still recognize some of the society in which I aspire to live. Me. But I also like millions of others. And not in the spirit in which reverse the aspirations of millions of others should refer to me. In my own aspirations.
You can not be democracy without modesty. It would be fashionable to rail against a call to modesty. Would it only under a misunderstanding which suggests that sovereignty belongs to the people, it is up to each and everyone, so that every Democrat is a sovereign. And because we put the idea of modesty in many forms of reductive thinking, opinion, choice, commitment. What, in my opinion, it would be wrong. It is a common symptom, which has grown alarmingly in recent years, indicating a democracy mirrors, as in many other areas in our societies today, we look for mirrors, returns on itself, self-images, a world of self. Much use of evidence of existence in relation to what we eventually estimate that basically use would be a democratic expression that healthier exhibition on a TV set or compensatory consumerism. While these are the same examples brought by the media and industry, encouraged by the desire to ad networks, who were to use self-expression in all the thickness of the democratic space. It is through these examples that has found itself promoted a sovereign, including all sorts of false speech stirred by the spectacle of demagoguery, intend to make a conscious self-assumed, assumed knowledge, supposedly informed. A self that ultimately has no other reason to proliferate in this condition misleading as to respond to an offer policy itself has long been reduced to objects of marketing directed to clients that it is sufficient to sell packaging believe in doing only what it contains. Ready to explain, in retrospect, after the election, why he does not what was promised.
was accustomed, and rightly, to denounce another way, without visible certainly become caricatured the failure of democracy in our societies. This is the collusion of interests between the political and economic sphere. The second is deemed to dominate the first, to dictate any action in his favor, and never leave it to him that contain the whole office in the state as satisfactory as possible, often the only way the police and righteousness, that the market system imposed by the strongest players in the economy can prosper. This, of course, without these players are never confronted with the choice more or less real or realizable that should be responsible for issuing the suffrage of the people.
But there is another democratic dysfunction, order equally important: it comes from another league, unspoken, unexpressed, which is that every citizen, every citizen has delivered the maintenance of his being Democrat looking out of a communicational it returns as a mirror ball in a nightclub, where a thousand reflections each, everyone can find his own, feed, complacent, believe, and perhaps hope . This leads to distorted views, protean, including personnel policy moves, unfortunately with ease, or attempts to interfere with various intentions, a different offer, or purported to be.
Are there any other prospects, if we admit that these two principles of fatal collusion persist, that status and its representation, responsible for policing and justice, pouring in more authority and more control, or a people in any renewal requirement with the democratic spirit.
That is, at the same time seeking solutions to the immense problems of the day, answers to serious questions posed by the near or distant future, a sort of reset the spirit Democrat in the person of the citizen and the citizen. Out of suspicion pointing
the vagaries of consensus as threats to the abrasive nature of the debate, being a democrat is neither renounce the balance of power, nor abdicate its beliefs, nor deny his dreams, his ideals, his utopia. Being
Democrat is all about giving up the need, or the illusion of being represented in his person by his own strength, his inner conviction, his singular dream.
Why does it seems so difficult to talk about being a democrat, and why it gives me the same impression of not being able to transmit only evidence?
There are many characters that form a human person, and that no one inherits at birth. Being a Democrat is.
lack of education, lack of a certain culture, lack of early use, and lack a certain awareness, being a democrat does not claim that he, not intended all or part of his opinion that himself, cares best in the second part of the satisfaction of others and still subject to either that of its nearest neighbors opinion, at worst does not experience any interest. The principle to ensure that enough what it is, in situation or in possession, it is first necessary that all so firmly hold office, is as far from him that the fate of any fragment of the society which it seems that the future should in no way affect the project or tranquility. And this especially if some ill-intentioned political speeches offered him the means to protect parts of society which he easily persuaded that the interests have nothing to do with his, or even that it would be harmful to its comfort . Unless it flatters him in possible instincts which should not be useful to recall that their proliferation produced in the last century, and still produces
Being Democrat is a job. Work itself. He has this in common with that required freedom. I mean the freedom of conscience. Before interviewing
freedom, I ask my freedom. And when I see that I can win both inside of me when I realize that by means of my mind, my imagination, my sensibility, as I think having fed well incompletely and many other characters associated with them, I have and I am a world so vast that it is sometimes even disarming, I have no need to seek out beyond what I have to get to just keep my necessities, so as to have enough will always have someone else in is less.
These things fall out of who knows what sky? Obviously not.
It is being built. Throughout a teaching worthy of the name. Through a private practice in which any citizen, every citizen needs to follow. Not necessarily dedicate themselves whole, whole. But, having at the minimum, regular care not to be indifferent. It would be a step forward.
In the present state of things the first political courage of a genuine concern for democracy must be to question the people on that subject. Before anyone else. Engaging
explicitly be a Democrat in each, in everyone.


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