Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Brent Corrigan Andbrent Everett

Share bone

For my father - which I repeated it regularly as a kid - the world was divided into two groups as clearly distinct qu'étanches "there, he said, those who perform and those who empty. "The first time he sent me these few words, hit the seal of the irrevocable, I have absolutely nothing to understand what he meant. It was, I learned very quickly, lavatories as they were called once. Where did he get this "wisdom" hardcore parable of class struggle? Army undoubtedly, his military service in 1956, Tekbalet Ain, Algeria, that dreaded chore of latrines of the soldiers. Conservative without qualms, this axiom does not rebel, on the contrary. Sure how to deal a world backed this assumption, it was accepted as an inevitability that it was for everyone to have and had invested all its efforts in an attempt to aggregate the first of these categories . As an adolescent about me, I began to pay more interest to other partitions, such as operated by Louis Aragon - this is just one example - between "those who believed in heaven and those who did not. "

Father (Ayn Tekbalet, July 1956)

Maybe I've kept it all in any one Boolean vision of the world and its surroundings. So can I say today to the children that I have not that it is divided from my point of view between those who like Hank Williams and those who do not like not. It looks like a narrow vision? I do not care! With the support of Kris Kristofferson seems to have made singing a prerequisite to all trade with its neighbors, and its future, I feel even more entitled to the guarantee them:

I dig Bobby Dylan and I dig Johnny Cash
And I think Waylon Jennings Is A table thumpin 'smash And hearin
' Joni Mitchell Feels as good as smokin 'grass
And if you do not like Hank Williams Honey, You Can kiss my ass

Bob Dylan and Johnny kicks my Cash Waylon Jennings
delights me is really a slap giant
Play Joni Mitchell is like smoking a good firecracker
And if you do not like Hank Williams, honey, go and make you see

Kris Kristofferson If You Do not Like Hank Williams
(translation Corbin Hubert and FB)

Of Hank Williams, said everything was undoubtedly his musical training at his untimely death due, said we, a heart attack, his yodeling, borrowed from Jimmie Rodgers, in his excessive consumption of alcohol and amphetamines, his sensational debut at the Grand Ole Opry in 1949 excluding ensuing in 1952 for "conduct inconsistent with the reputation of the institution. "
I would venture to say simply that, even today, the incarnation, perfect in my eyes, what have been, should and will perhaps one day, popular music. That its best songs, which continue to waltz between the ridiculous and grace, the modern and the antiquated, bespeak a world where men do not divide, where their condition is painful when they arrive home through wind, small dolls clay shaped into darkness, where all return to dust, whether or not "those who sang under torture" and "those who fill" or "those who empty them. "

(Georgina, Alabama, undated)
Hank Williams in Concert at the back of a truck in his hometown.
Foremost, Audrey, his wife appears with sunglasses. Hank Williams Boyhood
© Home & Museum

For Cadillac, popular music, that's it!

Thursday, February 9, 2006

She Has Sores On Her Back And Arms

Shalom, Salam

Playboy of the world, citizens without borders, Sara Alexander sings for peace Finally, to end the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. And why not? When so many others sing for fame, posterity, wealth, goals, most often, will also remain out of reach. Neither mad nor saint, Sara is not too many illusions and knows no song, even the best can not stop a bullet as the absolute and may the hands of Neo, draw a translucent screen between the shooter and his target against which, suddenly became trivial, the race will s'endiguer projectiles.

Sara grows, or think, however that a song could take away the urge to shoot this man there , Push it hold his gesture to inspire this one drop, one more song, anyway, can not hurt anyone. It takes some courage to feed such a creed, to hold, against all odds, to hot and dry, the credo that "twenty hours" every night, trying to reduce dust. To achieve this, Sarah sings in Arabic and Hebrew, reads or sings the texts of Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish and keeps pinned to the body a spirit of resistance.

resisters, Jean Paulhan wrote: "And I know that there are who say: "The resistance fighters are killed for little. A simple information (not always very accurate) was not worth it, or a tract, or even an underground newspaper (sometimes poorly composed). To these must be answered: "Because they were on the side of life. That they loved something as trivial as a song, snap your fingers and a smile. You can squeeze a bee in your hand until it suffocates. It will not stifle without seeing you dive. That little thing you say. Yes it is little. But if it does not sting you long ago there would not bee ". Thus Sara Alexander could she say, how to Paulhan: yes, it's a little song, it will never silence a gun. But if there were no songs, so I did not sing, if anyone, singing, not placed himself on the side of life, perhaps there would he no negotiations.

Picasso - La Colombe, 1949

course, singing for peace is thankless. This does neither rich nor famous, nor guarantee any posterity. Sara, if I understand it - Despite his talent - seven discs (4 CDs - 3 LP) in forty years plus a handful of books warm. Is that all? Yes, that's all.

Let us by example on this beautiful album, published by the label Al Sur album I bought, right after discovery, one summer evening here three or four years, in concert at Abbey Valmagne it transformed its own virtues, in a place where the faiths do not weighed. Accordionist seasoned with a beautiful voice and date with a day without it gave, surrounded by her excellent musicians, a show that time has not erased. As evidenced by this tribute late. In this Turkish coffee, a gypsy at heart, matchmaker of sounds, combines oriental lovingly jigs, klezmer tunes, méloppées Arab, Anatolian blues as can mingle in the bars of Istanbul, the spicy aroma of hookah ... Here joyfully parading the rhythms of East and West as parade here a few words from the dictionary.

Solfeggio melancholy into three classes:

Monday, February 6, 2006

Engagement Friend Message

Repechage # 1

latest book Greil Marcus, Like a Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan at the Crossroads , is an essential text, which alone can claim surprise one who has ever walked The Invisible Republic or traveled Mystic Train or never woke up either, fully clothed, after a night of reading dazed, the collar of his shirt stained Lipstick Traces . In
Like a Rolling Stone, Greil Marcus takes on a wire. Over 316 pages it takes. He pulls on a wire, but not any. At the other end, there is a song. A song, but not just any. It Like a Rolling Stone by Bob Dylan (Bob Dylan © 1965). Why pull a wire dangling after which a song? To see! To see what will happen when you pull on this thread then. And what goes along the wire, like a yo yo boosted energy, they are words, notes, melody, musicians and producers, a recording studio, poets and tramps ... A song, what! But not only ... The accompanying - by what miracle? - Those before and those after. But not only! What goes along the wire and is housed in the hand like a yo yo driven by the energy of an expert hand, is a world, the whole of America, the 60s, and then the one before, one after, one that delights us and one we despair, America and the origins of American decline.


On page 158, and 159, it states:
"Johnston was a smart and ambitious producer, with a drawl that you disarmed. He was born in Hillsboro, Texas, in 1932, and grew up in Fort Worth. He began working in the music industry after the Korean War. Her grandmother Mamie Joe Adams wrote songs. His mother, Diane Johnston, who had composed "Miles and Miles of Texas", wrote for the greatest singers and western cowboy Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, and Eddy Arnold. Johnston began by writing songs. After having refourguées in the South and sang with a trio of black called the Click Clack, he lands in the Temple of Music New York, located at 1650 Broadway where Al Kooper was in the process of learning the job ("It was my church, my university - it's at 1650 I went to college. I had many classes in this building.") and which housed the famous teams in Aldon Music: Carol King and Gerry Goffin, Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil, Jeff Barry and Ellie Greenwich .*

And in a footnote on page:

* "They were on their own, something as important as what Dylan was doing," Kooper said about authors from Aldon, whose work for the Drifters ("Up on the Roof "), the Chiffons (" One Fine Day "), the Shirelles (" Will You Love Me Tomorrow "), the Righteous Brothers (" You've Lost That Lovin 'Feeling ") and for Most of the best rock and roll artists of the early '60s, remains one of the greatest successes in pop music after the war. Dylan more than anyone else, ended their careers as songwriters. "You were watching silent films, "Kooper said about how Dylan changed that a pop song could be, and that his use of language that has changed the song itself. "And suddenly, the sound came. Ohhhhh ... and this has put a lot of people unemployed. These people are so beautiful, who spoke like that ... They had no job, buddy. And they knew it, too: we will never say how great these authors were terrified by Bob Dylan.

Childesburg, 1941
Workers on Main Street. Some are unemployed.

Here, reading the names of Drifters, my heart missed a beat. I asked one of the three discs Rockin '& Driftin' The Drifters Box • on the plate ... Wonderful Drifters!
I think I understand why, one fine day in 1965, this music has gone the dole. It was the music of a world full of promises that everyone thought he was going to take. It was still the post-war prosperity continued to smile, love was, if not free, as possible, the status accorded to blacks would finally change, surely. It is the echo of those promises that I hear when I listen to the Drifters and that's why I never get tired. With
Like a Rolling Stone , everything changes. Poetry smashes doors can slam the song as thunder, causing panic, maddened counters, fright the soul. Suddenly, angry roars, disillusionment shows the tip of his nose, Vietnam became one of the suburbs of America, the recession advances, drugs - as a thought experiment of perception - ravage , heart brain, demanding exorbitant tributes. Whatever! Vietnam, drugs, recession, poverty, unemployment: Blacks pay! Death! That they hindered you in life?

Meanwhile, the Drifters are unemployed. They are not alone even if they are the best. No more either, as we have seen, The Chiffons, The Shirelles , The Crystals, The Coasters , The Seachers ... How can they finally reach the Assedics talent that was theirs, they see again the happiness of just compensation offered, squandered? What to do? I remembered - Maybe I had almost forgotten - I had a Cadillac, I could offer them a ride on the Net. Also, every month, I'll take him, then each other, remember the good memories of the living and the dead nudes ...

Blind Test January 6
These Foolish Things (Helen Merrill - Parole e Musica - RcaVictor / BMG, 1961)