Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Milky Indian Mummy Boobs

The return of the contradictions of capitalism

The Global Sociology Blog Business: the class war is here and it is global. Revolts in the Arab world have been triggered by economic difficulties, namely the return of speculation on food prices and rising ensuing. This economic pressure on individuals can be found elsewhere, including in English discontent against austerity advocated by the Conservative government - and I do not even speak of Greece. A global revolution, or even just in Western countries, is probably not on the agenda. But we can at least take the opportunity to rethink some of the contradictions of capitalism.

What is capitalism? As I have already had occasion to discuss (the most careful readers will have noted that this issue is one of my recurring concerns ), capitalism is above all a world of behavior. More than a set of institutions, more than economic organization, more than a social organization, it is a way of thinking and see the man and the world that fits very deeply in us. Seeing things as commodities, thinking human action as motivated primarily by profit, search rationally the greatest possible satisfaction: it is all that is at the heart of capitalism. And if we do not correspond to all this homo economicus that you would have us believe universal and natural, at least we have some difficulties to completely get rid of this thinking. Approaching

capitalism in this way may be something of a priori wonder: Where are the markets, companies and capital itself that is generally attributed to the economic system? In fact, all these elements are both emanations of the market mentality - the company is that capitalist development implementation of the rational search of maximum profit for example - and institutions that form the same mentality - by dint of being caught in the markets, we end up thinking the market ...

So that the contents of this mentality and these developments is essential to understanding the evolution of capitalism. The designs that we are given a time of good behavior leads to behavior which in turn shape the world. Thus the American sociologist Neil Fligstein has long argued that the approach of "shareholder value", that is to say, the principles that guide companies seeking to maximize shareholder value that can withdraw their shareholders, has been the main force for transformation of capitalism. In a 2007 article written in collaboration with Shin Taekjin , he tries to show how this theory managerial transformed the U.S. economy between 1984 and 2000. Without going into details of the demonstration, the authors can demonstrate that implementation strategies tied to shareholder value - mergers and acquisitions, social plans, etc.. - Were not as consistent answers to the problems faced by companies and have not yielded the expected results. Why continue it? This

suggests that mergers and layoffs are more of ritual and mimetic nature and does not produce efficient outcomes. (My translation)

It is therefore primarily a belief that the market mentality is not given once and for all, it is a historical product whose content changes over time. In the 80 and 90, the shareholder value was obvious ... And it seems to keep it that way today.

It was not without consequence, however. Fligstein and Shilt also shows that these policies have led to the introduction and development of computers as working tools in enterprises, to reduce costs of labor. This is perhaps one of the most striking results: the computerization of the economy was not a natural continuation, or the effective implementation of an innovation, but is also related to the business incentives that then U.S.. She did not come from outside to be the natural choice: the computer has benefited from a favorable state of mind within the firms themselves.

But a particularly interesting conclusion of the article is the way that shareholder value has affected how the workers were considered :

Our results show that efforts to make more profit focused on the use of mergers, downsizing and computerization to reorganize and exclude unionized workforce. The data suggest that workers have certainly been treated less like stakeholders (stakeholders) and as factors of production. (My translation always)

The commodification of labor: the old theme that is found both in Marx than in Polanyi. Both authors also conclude by specifying two possible interpretations - not conflicting - results: an inspired the agency theory rather optimistic, the other ...

A more critical (perhaps more Marxist) would see that and say that the theory of "shareholder value" is a form of revival of class struggle. Owners and managers of capital have decided to break unions and systematically invest in computers to make profits.

How not to think when the contradictions of capitalism that Marx described? He said the accumulation of capital would face a wall by reducing the share of labor in the productive combination, it could only lead to a "falling rate of profit "which would carry the system. Without repeating this idea based on the theory of labor value, we can see that contemporary capitalism has actually resulted from de-qualify and to disrupt a significant portion of work, swallowing to a mere factor of production.

At the same time, capitalism has promised all a fulfillment in the workplace. that is to respond to criticism of dehumanizing work of the 70s, it took the mind capitalism, that is to say the reasons that motivate people to adopt appropriate behaviors, is changing: it is what is claimed Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello in The New Spirit of Capitalism . They thus emphasized the plasticity of capitalism, its ability to incorporate the criticisms that were made to continue to grow. I myself long relied on such analysis . It seems now more evident that, just as it is, it must be complete by highlighting the contradictions between the promises that have helped to legitimate capitalism and the reality of its extension. The distance between the two - the promises of democracy, freedom and fulfillment on the one hand, reality of increasing inequality, accommodation with dictatorships and some forms of alienation on the other hand - is probably a lot in the back of the class struggle at a global level what is more, as reported by the Global Sociology Blog. These are the contradictions that capitalism now faces.

Still, the future is not necessarily that of the big night. For, as will be understood, capitalism, because it is deeply inscribed in the men themselves, may not suffer that much of its own contradictions. The protesters did not necessarily want after all nothing but the fulfillment of the promises made to them. Simmel's understanding: a conflict between binding the belligerents themselves, because they must at least agree on the stakes of the struggle. The class struggle is thus between individuals and groups who in one way or another, are deeply wrought by capitalism. If capitalism creates conflicts, it does not say that they are necessarily turned against its own logic. That may be what is its strength.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Digital Playground Movies Name

policy of public space: change the world through its walls

policy, they say, has the objective of transforming society. A very general term, but who can find a realization when it comes to change, at least, a bit of how we perceive things. At least that's what can make visible some photos taken at the Louvre.

If the work is essentially a political work with words is that words contribute to the social world. In politics, nothing is more realistic than the quarrels of words. Put a word for another is to change the vision of the social world, and thereby help to transform it.

is what Bourdieu said in an interview with Liberation in 1982. Hard not to give reason: most of the political activity is to compete on words, or to attempt to reach impose a language game that, by becoming the political reality of the moment, lead activities, changes, reforms and sound public policy. Speaking of riots or revolution, or war event, exclusion or an assistant, labor cost, purchasing power or salary: none of this is neutral, quite the contrary.

It would be wrong however, to reside most of this activity in public speaking politicians. Political posters and slogan are fully in this logic. The "I class struggle" which had some success in recent events and could be sustained for some time demonstrated: that social class, beyond their undeniable social reality, are also language constructs that need to be built and defended by players who want to build on them, against the attempts of those who want to erase the benefit of the individual in majesty. But there is more than the posters simple information can take a turn political. During a visit to the Louvre, I could take this picture (always of poor quality, I'm not a great photographer - click to view larger):

Simple work in a museum - the installation of an arch - becomes, through the magic of posting a piece of the economic recovery and an overall economic strategy, courageously undertaken by the government. It is, as often, "defining the situation" through writing, it transforms the meaning of things and it requires passing in a different way of seeing things. Work that could be ignored or seen as a nuisance to the museum visitor who is deprived of part of the visit, here are adorned with an undeniable economic virtue. We do not apologize "for the inconvenience," but we proudly states its contribution well-being. "L" state restores your heritage! Project supported by the recovery plan, "said the bottom of the poster.

This practice is common, and is not exclusive or feature of current government policy: a little earlier in the day Rue de Rivoli, I could see that the walls of what was the Samaritan woman chanted with equal pride which had been created more than 2000 jobs ... But the bus was going too fast for me to understand who he be thanked for that. It seems to me that the municipality of the capital had something to do with this miracle.

It say that politics can enter deep enough into the public space, or, as suggested by the last space in the urban space. This can help to shape our perception of the world, things and people. But this action shaping perceptions of the world is not mechanical because it is political, it is also the subject of a struggle. This is what street art has finally understood very well:

The People Who Run Our cities do not understand graffiti Because THEY think nothing has The Right To Exist Unless It Makes a profit. The People Who Truly deface o Neighborhoods Are The Companies That scrawl giant slogans across buildings and nozzles Trying to make us feel inadequate UNLESS WE Their buy stuff. Any advertisement in public space That Gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours, it belongs to you, it's yours to take, rearrange and re-use. Asking for permission to keep Is Like Asking Someone just Threw a rock at your head (in Banksy Wall and Piece )

remains that we should not exaggerate the power of this mode of political expression. If the works of someone like Banksy can have any degree of hearing and, perhaps, influence is largely due to the quality of its performance: performance art, based on Fracture with what is expected - as evidenced by the photo above. Instead, the display of the reform is much more standardized. While the artist is based on what Max Weber would have regarded as a prophetic attitude, whose charisma is breaking tradition and snares of the world for granted, just the normal political expression of an attitude closer to that of the priest, who preaches a word validated by the institution above it. It is not necessarily less powerful, but expressed so probably softer. Should investigate further to determine what effects actually produce such displays on public and passersby. A

last question may be raised: why show this way the policy of economic recovery? One might respond that this is to ensure the reelection of directors. But the game remains dangerous: after all, if the recovery operation, it will show a concrete improvement in the economy, restore growth and reduce unemployment, which should suffice for a triumphant re-election. It could be that this display also contributes to the legitimation of economic policies that would actually be a condition of their effectiveness. A recovery policy should it not start by changing the "business climate" and thereby changing the perception we have of the state of the world? Therefore, it is perhaps also in the street and walls, which played a successful political ... Actually not that far from the artistic performance: change the world through its walls.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Polski Darmowy Hosting Bez Reklam

Suites delible of disaster: Aftermath of Shame

In the series "opportunism" is very familiar with the remakes,
who swarm in time elsewhere, but this is not new
and it has existed since the dawn of cinema.
If it is a good way to make money on securities already known by the public,
do not believe that the producers were eager ESP stop there. If
course there's the copy that yields a minimum
there is also a kind somewhat less widespread than it
thereafter, or false result.

two cases are then available:
1 - You buy the rights and there is a legal result.
Even if you do not meet any of the original material.
2-or pretends to be a sequel.
What is cheaper, and can make fun of the original even more.

The results are often disappointing, but we reserve
sometimes a few surprises.

Carousel The Sequel part 1
This suite is more like a trashy remake
of Patrick from 1978 as a sequel.
It includes the general framework and elements of history, and we add
gift all the sex and gore,
that the former had willfully failed.

The story remains essentially the same,
Patrick falls into a coma following an accident and is transported
to hospital.
It will eliminate from his bed one by one the leaders
through his mental powers.
Gianni Dei, the new Patrick

If we had the original Australian
and won critical acclaim undeniable
it was not what one might call a blockbuster .
is probably why, as our Italian friends
have tackled This false result.
A good way to ride the wave of the other, without risking too much retaliation
choosing a victim distant and lack of deep pockets
not risk to costly litigation.
Still it as follows:
Patrick Still Lives (1980)
Already guilty of one among giallos the more gore and sadistic Giallo a Venezia ,
Mario Landi continues its momentum in this new Patrick unhealthy.
It will retain only the outline of the original
and replace the suspense and tension, with blood and sex.
This is virtually his only interest
as the acting just like the events of the scenario
as so often in productions Italian of the time
are caricatures and not s 'embarrass no logic.
It takes a lot of fun though the vision of this bastard offspring,
both desire to shock is assumed to the end.
erotic scenes abound and compete in the sadistic murders,
which culminates in a scene impossible nowadays.
Poor Mariangela Giordano , who was already devouring the breast
is here to skewer half naked ;
legs wide open under the influence of Patrick.
A sequence very explicit where we are not hiding anything,
finally the uncensored version.
Many versions used throughout the world were amputated
certain scenes, especially this one.
It is also quite funny to see how similar
two subjects can be treated so differently:
On one side the finesse, the other brute force.

If performance Funky Robert Thompson was the fact
not to move an eyelash throughout the film which gave
chilling, his replacement
Gianni Dei decided to play its role
comatose quite differently.
Despite his coma, each his psychic attacks accompanied
of winks and grimaces,
to make ourselves understand that yes, it's him
the culprit.
Wavering between grotty and unintentional humor,
Landi chained without too much time dead
tits and intestines and gives us a great failing
film like its predecessor, a series B at the limit of Z
which has the advantage of distracting the amateur horror.

So if a good succession of moments of shock and exposed flesh,
put you in joy and the logic of their conduct matter to you, please
. We have seen much worse.
To enjoy this one in the best possible version,
the Shriek Show DVD is undoubtedly the best option,
since it is the only one so far and uncut 16 / 9 (1.66:1 to be exact).
Many editions have not done too much shit in the past squarely and
images taken from the original to the jacket.

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Who would have thought The Bad Seed (1956),
this little gem of terror, can have a sequel?
And much better than that, he had two, Although illegitimate, and this
40 years after its release.

Cast: Patty McCormack , Brinke Stevens , Mickey Spillane

The most fun in this story is that at no time the two films it is fact referring to the original, but as advertising (posters, trailers, etc ...) do not hesitate to mention.
The Bad Seed brilliantly addressed the topic of childhood demonic
and little Patty McCormack was hateful desire.
We find adult and therefore still closed,
without further explanation, it will only be called Mom during the two episodes,
and this time she will defend her offspring
with all the passion Mother of a Serial (released a year earlier).
Patty McCormack : Serial Serial Mom & Girl

Both films were shot directly on video,
with tiny budgets and do not fare not bad.

First Thus Mommy eliminate
those who oppose the happiness of his daughter
and it does not shine by its originality.
Murders are very soft and playing hard does not help the rhythm
enough slack in the film. The final
unsurprisingly and Mommy will be stopped.

Mommy's Day it is much more fun and successful
which is rare for a sequel (on what is more).
Mommy narrowly avoids death penalty by agreeing a new treatment:
implantation of a chip preventing it from yielding to his impulses homicides.
No bowl, murders started again, and Mommy
looking to see her daughter again becomes suspect number one.
Is she guilty?
The pace is improving, the murders are more numerous and better executed,
allows some light to excess and humor is welcome even in the game.
Without reaching the level of masterpiece,
this little thriller is allowed to continue until the final pleasantly
pretty funny too.
are found the first players such as Tata
Brinke Stevens 's sister Mommy,
that does not show her breasts as his great period
Scream Queen of the eighties.
Mickey Spillane cachetonne few minutes in the role of the lawyer.
Rachel Lemieux is still his daughter.

And there are some actors in other roles
with a different look as Michael Cornelison.
After a long absence on DVD, they are findable again
separately or in a cabinet dedicated to the author,
even an audio commentary with the entire core team.
The Bad Seed is available in France in a very nice DVD from Warner
as the The Bad Seed.

For the curious can see pictures of filming on the blog of Jeff Carney,
which seems to have turned the beginning of the first film
before being fired and replaced by the author.


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Look what happened to Rosemary's Baby

Cast: Stephen McHattie , Patty Duke , Ruth Gordon , Ray Milland

total flop for this sequel, however
official this time of Polanski's masterpiece:
Rosemary's Baby (1968)

Story disjointed, boring and cheap,
especially when talking about the devil's son, who
here has little ridiculous servants and authorities.
All we told
large reinforcements special effects misfire, even for the time.
At its discharge, it is a TV movie, which reduces
outright any overflow horrific, but the original was
frightening suggestion and undemonstrative in special effects.
Here we prefer to do too much in bad taste, with:

-Eyes that shine to symbolize the mental powers
satanic choral accompaniment.

-Thu outrageous comedians.
-Voices off every ten minutes
to try to explain what is happening.

-basic symbols:
_the white gentiles, black for the wicked, with a makeup
White as a mime, but that does not ask me why.
_The Rock is evil (well here it is rather the Funky Disco)
The film is divided into several parts.
The first shows at 8 years old Adrian,
abducted by his mother to the Convent of the devil and his minions.
After some wandering, poor mother, played by
Patty Duke (replacing Mia Farrow ) will disappear in a phantom bus
(ie without a driver, since buses do not have soul, see).
can not see her again, and do not you dare ask
where it may well be over. Thank you.
The following describes Adrian adult. He has 20 years, but looks 30, actually
actor Stephen McHattie was 29 exactly.
The thing is that especially if one considers that the baby was born in about 1968,
this suite should be conducted in the late 80s, and yet
fashion is clearly that of the seventies.
Anyway, let's move on these trifles.
It is a rock singer, though not hear one of his compositions, too bad.
Very briefly, his father (George Maharis instead of John Cassavetes )
and the elderly couple evil satanic leader convent
Adrian will do everything to become the long-awaited Antichrist.
exactly what purpose is unclear.
The old couple has changed a bit.
We find the great Ruth Gordon the first phase,
here a little less in shape, while her husband
(formerly Sidney Blackmer ) is replaced by Ray Milland . On his way
our Lucifer Junior will meet a beautiful nurse,
which ultimately will be hit by a black car that attempted to crush Adrian.
He discovers with horror that the driver is none other than his father was known as
Satanist, but still.
Adrian disappear into the night (and probably ice).
This he later becomes, it will not care cons.
You think it's over? Well no!
A third game shows us that old demon
have a daughter,
she is pregnant, and that none other than ... (Tambour. ...)
Ellen (the nurse).
At the sight of their eyes met and the grin that distort their faces,
we guess (unless you are suffering from cancer of the eyes) that the child will be a new Antichrist.
Bin yes, because it was typed Adrian.
Oh yes, I did not say is true.
This therefore means that it will be the grand son of Satan.
What seems to be enough.
Morality: Even Beelzebub in craps to obey his kids.
It is therefore not only ones who need super nanny, this is reassuring.

For those who love bad (and slow) films
you can find some food for fun, when
to others, you will not miss much.
The film is findable on the net VO.

Not to be confused with
Baby Rosemary (1976)
that has nothing to do (well you might say ) with all that.
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Kates Playground Oil Vid

The Unbearable Lightness of feelings in politics

Since the revolt began to boom in Tunisia and then in Egypt and elsewhere soon, he found a growing number of people to show their solidarity with the people angry. In addition, it is great, the outrage is all the rage, and everyone is a Tunisian flag as an avatar facebook or his little comment hopeful for an early release of oppressed peoples. Such international solidarity to all those who suffer the yoke of dictatorships would warm the heart ... if only its essentially emotional and thus, compulsory promised him not a very short life. Mandatory emotion and indignation? Unfortunately, yes.

This outburst of emotions and feelings of sympathy with the struggling peoples could testify, a choice of still deeper roots of democracy and freedom in the heart of Western peoples, the perpetual "birth "a society international civil and global solidarity between peoples, or of international solidarity which is expressed in the invitation to "walk like an Egyptian " ... Yet there is good reason to believe that it is not really about that.

Indeed, can we not feel this emotion? Can we not feel solidarity with those who suffer? The answer is no. Our emotions, whatever they are, are often required. So said Marcel Mauss in substance the text of 1921 logically entitled "Mandatory expression of feelings"

Not only crying, but all kinds of oral expressions of feelings that are essentially, not exclusively psychological phenomena, or physiological, but social phenomena, marked by the sign of the highly non-spontaneity, and the most perfect obligation.

If you attend a funeral, even without being intimately linked to the deceased, perhaps even without knowing it, you'll probably also be seized with sadness. Why? Firstly, because not express this feeling, this would violate the implicit rules of the situations. Try to mix in a funeral procession and smile along, you will quickly understand what I mean. A simple indifference is not an option, at least without the risk of sanctions from some of your neighbors.

But there something else: it is not only manifest in a visible sadness. Often, the feeling is not just pretending, and it is also very sincerely felt. It is based not on an individual disposition, a particular sensitivity to the situation, but to any device external to the individual and is binding on him. The organization of the parade, the cultural significance of black clothes, the attitude of different actors: is it all leading us to feel, including a very deep sense adequate to the situation. It's the same in other situations: even the most snobbish refractory to the hordes of fans will have some difficulty not to feel a little shiver in the middle of a stadium, and if I believe that this excellent comic is Logicomix even a pacifist like Russell could not restrain some feelings warriors when, in 1914, his country entered the First World War.

It's the same feelings that we understand the face of suffering and revolt in other countries. As sincere as it is, and I do not doubt that those who change their avatar, so facebook had a tear in his eye, it is based fundamentally on some devices that lead us to feel the emotion expected. The use of collective representations and powerful as that of Marianne revolutionary part thereof - see this brilliant analysis, which I borrow the image below . This is very much how one defines the situation that leads us to feel enthusiasm, concern, solidarity, etc..

(1) cover of L'Express, 19/01/2011: "The Arab Revolution" (photo: Joel Saget / AFP). (2) Coverage of the Nouvel Observateur, 20/01/2011: "Tunisia, hope" (photo: Zoubeir Souissi / Reuters).

But these feelings are mandatory when a relative permanence: if the devices that gave them birth disappears, they are promised the same fate. Reserved for times and specific social spaces, they do not affect the entire life of individuals and, from there, does not necessarily mobilization beyond certain well-defined framework and, more importantly, some actions specific. Namely those who have sufficient vision to see how each one feels the emotion required. That's what Marcel Mauss describes in his text on Australian funeral rites:

And then after that explosion of grief and anger, camp, except perhaps a few carriers of mourning specifically designated enters the routine of his life.

It is not surprising that emotion and solidarity are first in our case, forms of public event: the gathering, viewing to "friends" electronic ... We must show that it participates in the movement. Again, this is not to say that these are purely ostentatious practices, devoid of sincerity and authenticity of any. Instead, those who go into the street probably could not be more convinced of what they do - after all, social pressure is not so strong ... But this feeling confined to a particular temporality, is unlikely to lead to stronger forms of engagement. Once other devices generating feelings of missing or replaced by other concerns, it will still probably not much.

In itself, this is not necessarily dramatic. The Tunisian and Egyptian peoples may very well get by without it. Revolutions, if they have always caused reactions in other countries - in a sense, they were global long before the word is in fashion - have sometimes gone outside support, and more just a feeling benevolence on the part of other peoples. But the risk exists that, after the time the devices are the strongest emotions, that is to say, the phase most "hot" protest and revolutionary activity, diversion of foreign feelings deprive these countries the attention they deserve ...

can also draw a broader lesson when, following the success of the pamphlet Stephane Hessel, the incentive to "indignant" flourished. Not that anger is bad, but like any emotion, she may well be based primarily on certain devices, including Stéphane Hessel himself and his writings are a part. As sincere she may be, they can be an unbearable lightness, at least if it is to lead on some major changes. Past the high point - for example if anger comes to take the head of a minister - "business as usual 'is likely to recover. "Do not put all your hopes in revolutions : They always end up again. That's why they're called revolutions "said Sam Vimes in this brilliant novel that is Nigthwatch (my translation): It is possible that no better expressed than what Terry Pratchett. One could say much indignation, emotion and feeling: these are political weapons although limited both in duration and in scope. ... Engagement and beliefs should perhaps be called that, too.