Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Chaos Black Gameshark

Hordelou (The elusive unknown> extract)

Do not useless. No longer be useful to anything. Think that what I hear but I am not intended merely passes through me to reach my suspicion that my hope and sometimes imagines beyond the lofty depths desert me. Have nothing to do with me. And what that still think that.
The decal features a shaded path to that multiplies bristling over the network calls or calls or conversations that stifles the distance, slamming the door in the streets, shouting confused in puddles of entertainment, engines whose back the rumble emerges here and there under the thin layer of a naked serenity, warm and silent. Indifferent. Expressionless. The shrieks of birds
surly make a few splashes. Of hollering, a few tasks. One brave
boredom, weariness, irritations, while trailing in the shadows of languid appetite, thirst and stubbornness.
Some, drawing on the graphics which fragments of charcoal on his feathery, seek another course. On the other son like this, residues of coal, perhaps are. Effortlessly. Without a gesture. Without a word. As a little carried away for dead.
Heart is more to me, my theater coarse laughter. No longer mine. Stacks of crates, boxes and furniture. Gardens and departure times. Quartz luminescent straight to the boxes.
Sealed in the stone against which vomits mouth perpetually angry flow thick and sovereign, a ring of iron corroded and most of all, since all the early sign of loneliness and abandonment of what lies ahead and do we never saw it coming. Barely noticed. Under the ragged robes of some late night.
Or if we can and it sees us, we have already ceased.
At the forefront of all, others have told the world, your mirror turned against your naked picture, toward the future liquefied entering its surface, discolored eyes of a thousand years ago, one hundred miles an hour, the second swarm dies and laborious. Stateless souls.
One moment you think suddenly stopped. Already caught. A sudden stop at sunset when transparent. And what eternity of you who continues infinitely and indifferently fired primitive fury.
The foliage of black stone and roofs have a slope on the other over you. Gaping mouths, heads thrown back, empty sound, jaws drooping in skin picking all the evils that the air transport, sewer down which agencies conduct their work activities stink. You understand the modesty
deadly they can not take his own no part even dead. Dead gorgeous clothes to the shrines. Reigns with digging steel stretched extended again in all innocence of elongated boxes online in parks where the land turns digestive graces defeats or aborted. We do not assassinate
enough do you.
A crazy laugh deflected into the groove between the edges of the sky like a gaffe trolleybuses. Nothing other grain spiky legs taken, each in its Canvas sticky, entangled in his son grief. For rope copper, electronic frequencies. An intestinal worm that made its war on the pavement. You understand
weapons hated and hate the fighting ever attempted in vain.
The destinies or their liners that lay shapeless pearl which is disfiguring all views thrown into illusions.
Patience sometimes pitiful which does not may be picked.
You understand the fleeting. You interviewed the empty room. A nothing arising from a wild moment of time. From a hiccup. On crack. In a miscalculation. The seed of a flower of forgetfulness. Gout a water blank. A tear cleared of all cry.
the side opposite of a certain day you consider even the possibility of falling back into the haggard remains of a story that would have cleared. A double killer. Delicate choker. Goldsmith flayer. Meticulous cutter. Spirit surgeon. Sweet work sewing needles researchers. Back
blinded. Reclaiming the course. Reinvest the form. Leave a straight line from simple pencil out of the clutter damask. Thin line that works in close stride. Watermark of a path that asks for nothing. The elusive

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Miley Cyrus And Herpes


As with many products, it's always fun to see how the layout of books may vary from one country to another. I hated the layout UK: too big pockets, large print highlighted for titles, I always seem to read a bestseller. I much prefer the presentation of discrete Folio French, with their consistency, smooth coverage, their illustrations and somewhat mysterious.

In international good reader, I was wondering what it would be Japanese books. First pleasant surprise: for happiness, the coarseness Anglo-Saxon us is spared. And in good conscious Japanese occupy only the right amount of space, the pockets are really small, thin, short practices. They have the specificity to have double coverage (such as stapled with us), a bit useless but pretty good.

However, at the back of a bookstore and about to offer me my first pocket VO, I discover additional specificity. While purchasing, I informed the cashier that I did not need plastic bags, and there, so she brandishes a book cover, wondering if this, I will. Intrigued, I answered yes. And now my little book can be found decked out in a second cover, on which are anti-tobacco messages ...

What is the use of this second blanket? Before considering the very thing, I guess it is something supposed to protect the book, rain, or I do not know what in the genre. But watch out the behavior of my neighbors on the subway, I realize that almost all read books by these hidden double covering (for the Japanese in the subway, sitting, standing, crushed in rush hour, is unfazed: he he is sleeping or bed). I conceive then that the thing has another purpose: to hide the contents of the book read. Thence Is this mean that the Japanese would read porn or stuff like that crowd in the middle?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Can Chickenpox Make Women Infertile

Journal every day of this interesting experiment (strike hunger)

On my return home, the mayor of my village to quickly say the "right" - demanded of me € 4000 for a water bill of a house I n 'had never lived , which prove that the meter does not work, then cut the water-it is always If I have just a trickle, and tried to do the same in my main house, inhabited one.
The other house was empty as against the current mayor's father left variegated-challenger first! adjacent building was demolished and its aftermath in a little mine, the common wall is picking up dangerously in a parking lot. I had to sue him until I reached and he had to rebuild at his own expense.

It was during the tenure of the new mayor that my account was seized by a team Yet elected because management "random" the "right" claimed to clean it, my case constituting a paradigm.

The order came from former team but when I went protest to the news, I had encountered several assistants aggressive "ignored" the case-though in several articles, and threw me very strongly, " c ette bill will be paid a point That's it! "

In desperation, exhausted by this series * , I am determined to bring up a public hunger strike in 3 days 2 times. So far without results, despite a second-hand info assuring me, while I strolled the attic with my poster box-appreciated "that I had gone into" Committee of leakage "(?) Successfully ".. except that there never was a leak in my ... but ...

* There was also inserted, a burlesque episode in which I can not speak because he is still on trial.

Anduze, state State Opening clearing (St Ambroix, it uses a lot.)

See also, images, blog


And to start, (not in order but it gives a fair idea of things) a letter from Robin Eddi hilarious on the subject ... after examining the "record" after 3 days of hunger strike of Helen and "negotiations" -Hard-with the mayor. I enjoy the leaves.

Robin Eddi to the Mayor of Saint-Ambroix
Since 2007 we are challenging the water bill of € 4000, 2 rue Désiré we n 'have never lived without result. My wife has exceeded finally resolved to make a hunger strike in front of City Hall to draw attention to the injustice. You proposed to journalist Michel Pernet Marseillaise mediate .. My wife has agreed to take a break from their strike pending the outcome negotiations, demonstrate its goodwill. Result? None. It is therefore decided to resume today July 8, 2010.

During the interview on Monday, June 28, 2010, you stated that you had no proof that it was Mrs. A. the tenant who paid the water.
1 / We gave you a statement from him confirming that it paid well and a water bill in his name.

You rejected this evidence by saying that it concerned no doubt ... Street cicadas (!) which is her ex-boyfriend ME, that denies itself in writing. Because you said, the bill did not contain the part sanitation force in the city center (where Desire Street).
2/LE next day, I brought M Bagnol, employed by a water bill with sanitation (214!) On behalf of Mrs A. Desire Street. An important point which he claimed would help greatly to solve the problem. Since we now know the name of which was that the meter and the bills were sent, the problem is resolved. No.

Car then you have raised a new argument:
leakage of any water would have occurred between February 2005 and 2007.
not as Mrs A. Following is a party to the danger of the collapse of the party wall with M Pialet wall we went often to check the status with ourselves and masons. If it were we would have found (it was very important.)
You still wanted to check. We went with Mr. Koenig and Mr. Bagnol, Assistant to the house to check that there was no leak that could explain the exorbitant bill, almost an Olympic swimming pool. The report shows clearly that there is none.
Mr. Bagnol then wanted to ensure that the meter was consistent with the regulation that is was in working condition. Verification relevant because it appeared he was down. Since when? No one knows.

During this investigation we have taken statements from MB (reliever meters) ensuring that payment of water and Mrs. A. (Hence the Desire Street) was completed by his companion, M E., confirming the statements of the latter, my wife and invoice submitted.
Everything is settled? No.

You on the other hand recognized that since the departure of Mrs A, confirmed by FCA in October 2005, the house was not inhabited. It is true that this point, you have accepted without written evidence *. The problem is solved? No.

This should lead us to conclude that if there was excessive consumption is between February and October 2005 and if there is leakage between October 2005 and 2007. But since the discovery of leaks and the failure of the counter, nothing is certain.

What explanations can be advanced?
- Management random the water company at the time.
- Mrs. A. would knowingly wasted water between February and October 2005. Unlikely (it is not part on bad terms with us.)
- The meter has dysfunctions, which seems the most likely explanation .**

You have requested a review of the meter in a laboratory, independent, at our expense, although in three cases, cause us to pursue outside. But the lab, we are told that everything that can be demonstrated is that the meter does not work, and that under no circumstances will we know what he has ever done before his arrest. No need to pay 175 euros for that we reaffirm what we know. But Mr. Bagnol has another idea: he suggested it checked by ... the manufacturer itself, which seems plausible, the two caps being incompatible ... Also the meter has over 30 years to -50 years According to my wife, and that its manufacturer must eat dandelions by the root for some time ..

Logic would finally you recognize now that there was a problem which we are all responsible. No. His account is taken with great regularity.

Moreover, the regulation of the water company said:
Article 7 The subscriber has to pay only the amount actually consumed. In this case, 0.

What is the actual consumption since February 2005?
The only statement probably reliable, ie with a meter that works seems to be that of February 2005. The following 2007, even though the apartment was empty since October 2005 (!) Makes no sense. This counter with dysfunction between 2005 and 2007.

Nobody can move the volume of real consumption as outlined in the settlement since the survey of February 2005.

Moreover, the regulation specifies that failure to counter the consumer should serve as a reference is that of the previous similar period (Article X) this if the house is actually inhabited.
To assess consumption from February to October 2005, the period should be 2003-2005. The bill this time (where Mrs. A. Street Desire lived with her children) is relatively low, since for 10 months, for example 15/06/2003 to 04/27/2004, she accuses only 50 m3 all round , are 74.96 euros, which is 7.50 euros / month ... This applied from February to October 2005 (9 months) we obtain 605 euros ... repetition, if the house is inhabited.

Then one meter rental must be taken into account ... yet one can legitimately ask the question of the amount of the subscription of a meter over 30 years .. and makes more of such "services". Assuming of course that he is responsible for this bill Olympic pool, my wife certifying on honor not to hold in his two pieces of the Desire Street or elsewhere.

These two articles provide a clear basis for billing in our case ... repetition, if the house was actually occupied.

Since October 2008 (start date of the seizure of the account) to date, 2337 euros have already been taken. Euro 1276 remain therefore "due" off meter rental.

      Accept, Sir ... Robin Eddi
* For out of makes M Leon Pialet if your father has won the party wall and the three floors in my wife collapsed, it had demolished a house that backed his My wife, hence his conviction to rebuild. The case is exceptional home -in-peril was fortunately over-populated and could not be applicable during the period when the meter was charging 4000 euros conscientiously.

** although it may surprise a meter ( somehow "cross ownership" ) whose consumption has been paid, at a time by Mr. Larrivé (then aged and recently widowed, who settled what was asked without looking), then by M E. companion of the tenant (there is normal) ... which we now requires "balance" (4000 euros) ... to my wife because he would have remained in his name all this time. A gag?

In order to present.


Helena Larrivé to: City of St. Ambroix (30), MD Pialet, Mayor ... open letter


As you know (or not) I suffered here since 4 years du time former team and now yours, some bad luck - it mildly - which together are a pretty nice piece (see slideshow http://grevedelafaim2.blogspot.com ) It starts there.

one's garden my house was flooded a year or 2 (I was not there) due to work undoubtedly made for municipal water conservation a vineyard below ... spend, this is not the worst though trees are dead.

2 It demanded that I pay 4000 E for a water bill for a house I've never lived * and as I refused, cut water instead of "crime" ... since become uninhabitable.
- then, to pressure, also tried to cut my main house inhabited , which led me to come "occupy" the City Council ... This, time the old "team" Municipal ... you had harshly criticized about it ... and beaten. However-and this time it was after the elections, it continues , only worse.

3 The wall that supported my house has dropped and my three soils (to the day, I passed through) because of Pialet Mr. (Leon) had demolished a building adjacent to hers . This was eventually resolved (by me through Ralph Blindauer) after an extremely dangerous site-unfinished- where young men risked their lives , which starts at the start went off without control despite what the judge had ordered. Currently, I can not always live in my house for 3 years, but the wall is no longer likely to fall on people.

4 A town road serving between other land (including a family!) A panorama and a village collapsed of 30 meters without that, despite multiple calls, you take action otherwise than by a not proceed with the panel and barrier this just after we cleared ayions ... to encourage you to finish the job [the "left" was over, he had to roll up their sleeves] etc ...

Sexy, no?

But the repair is your responsibility: to the , it is forbidden to forbid , no pun intended. We pay taxes (!) For that. Until then, you could bite the bullet: you had much to do, to a liability back, funds half-mast etc ...

5 But the straw that broke the camel is to the end: my account has received your order by the TP-free and I am not prejudiced to the 4000 E-invoice of water that was during the election campaign the paradigm of laissez-faire of the previous team, which had been well-ri.

Such a series could take place only because of the random management including Water Services ... where we can forget a counter almost 7 years, then jumps on it r came to repossess the premises ... forget it again ... recollection and then left to block his account etc. ... where you can also unintentionally demolish the retaining wall of a house, posing a risk to life to all (the vacant lot for parking below) etc ...

For this to be known and addressed (for what may) I urge the City Council before a hunger strike until these issues are resolved.

PS Would you have acted well to a man - such as the type to take his jack crank to restore the connection? I am here as the first woman, the scapegoat of a system against which they rebelled not dare confront it-nothing is created nor destroyed .-
Helen Larrivé

Info-oral-Late : swimming is prohibited today Friday, June 18, 2010. In fact, I went to the new because, swimming every day, I caught a few ... minor annoyances, the same as that of my dogs bathe-the-other has nothing. When it was confirmed-that is a staphylococcal had telephoned: NA. But on 18, when I remember, I was told after the fact that swimming is prohibited .**


* Why ?
** "The mayor is responsible for informing users of the quality of bathing waters and safe conditions related to this activity. accordance with Article L.2212-2 of the Code General Local , it is required to view the results legibly on bathing sites and in city hall. "
View http://baignades.sante.gouv government site. com / editorial / en / control / consultation.html

St. Ambroix would it area Exception where all staphylococcus, coliform and other yucky creature would be banned from swimming and dining on our giblets?


For more information on the case, see pictures ;

* From time to time, my samples Car not spending more, I was cutting electricity eg (thus the net etc. ...) The smart makes me emails to warn me, cut all the other silly. Not serious, but we finally organized it a little complicated.

experience interesting (hard for the fans) recounted daily in the blog http://aujourlejour2.blogspot.com

About injustice, if dramatic,
see case Clovers, championed by Ralph Blindauer.

free counters

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Bushnell 1500 Pinseeker Or 1600

Transportation Tokyoites

A big hello to any residual readers of this blog, if indeed there is still, and everyone else will have a missclick or redirected this page.
After a few good months of absence and a life Bordeaux probably too funny for me time (and need) to write, my ambition here to start a chronicle of my adventures in Japan, mainly on the theme of everyday things every day here, surprise me and make me smile. I decided to start with transportation because, well, that's one of the first things in this country as in many others, we are facing. And of course, many of you will have heard, the transport of Tokyo and Japan in general are known for their punctuality, efficiency and convenience (their prices also, alas, when it was self- same experience!) all of which are clearly lacking at the SNCF, RATP and their local counterparts (a thought for TBC and the Bordeaux tram line B in this respect!).

So transport, qualities and defects, and customs, it's gone. I first want to justify my title: this article could have been called simply "the Japanese underground," for example. But it's not as simple. For the novice, fresh off his plane at Narita, the Japanese transport are at first a beautiful Chinese puzzle, excuse the expression. On this same large area overlapping métropolesque blithely, indeed, subway lines, lines of national railway, and commuter trains operated by different private companies. On my first arrival in this mish-mash the incredible Shinjuku station, believe me, I thought my last hour had come, trying to find the famous line "Odakyu" that would take me up at my host family. The Japanese stations have this antique European perfectly illustrate the maxim that "all roads lead to Rome": the line or exit you want is always indicated, but the problem is that the is always in two or three directions that uninformed you are, you would have a priori considered as opposites. What, you will understand, does not facilitate the intuitive direction.
Transportation Tokyoites require So a bit of practice, time to sort out what symbol means what kind of line, color indicates what type of train (there are rapids, slower, and stopping everywhere, stopping a little less and others who stop in a few selected stations) in general, expatriates like myself know how to get from their job at home and that's not bad.
But after this first phase of stupor, we discover their many qualities.
First, and known, they are always on time. At the minute. Billboards announcing trains do not make a little suspense as those of Paris, Bordeaux and London (to limit myself to my experience), in announcing a wait of about 5, 6 minutes - minutes that are often very flexible ... No, here there is a timetable and it is held. The train is announced for a specific time, 9:33 p.m. say, and next there now appears that: no way to cheat.

Then there on the dock marks showing where the train doors will be located when it stops, it avoids to feel fucked up when we find ourselves between two hair cell doors and that 'because it can not run seating or space at all. People are lined up quietly to the small brands, something quite incongruous for a French. I doubt
that some will see this as a stigma obvious extreme propensity to order that one blames the Japanese, but personally, I have a pretty bad memory sncf trains which failed 'never stop in one place wharf, cars sometimes numbered in the wrong place or, if possible, always so that you have to walk across the station platform length.
Finally, significant practical detail, you can get a membership card and even a single ticket that allows you to pass through the same route on 3 types of lines at a time. I do not know how they manage to share in between
them, but it's still good. In addition, the subscription card is also used for purses and if you put more money into it, you can do your shopping to handsets and many other stores near the stations.

In the end, I wonder if this painting makes you want comprehensive or not to use public transportation in Japan. As I still want to convince you, let me add one final argument in their favor: everything is extremely own, as indeed all the streets in Japan. No greasy paper, cigarette butts or urine on the walls ... and it has its charm, though!