Monday, May 31, 2010

Wording For Guests Having To Pay

Hordelou (Watcher> bits)

It a fine powder. Smoke rose from a ground water blonde. A blast of heat that aggregates sand ash filtered mausoleums where dormant princes. It sleeps. And you look. In the shade of large trees caressed filled with winks shimmering. It is a meander of a course away from invisible furnace whose distant rumors he remained abroad.

No longer a table, or you or anything, nor of him that, a breath under the liner to breathe life as an insensitive dumb track infinitely, infinitely distant, and lost enduring, yet infinitely stretched, pseudopod febrile to large desolate valley, the trail of innocent inconsolable loneliness in reduced power.

Warrior bladeless and without tears. Seeking a rest he disguises the marble serenity wild ancestors impalpable. Hiding under his eyelids trembled just dreams stolen from jewelers authors. One arm folded wing naked prevented his head enclosed altar of silence.

voices beyond which waves thunder, shouting, laugh. Agreed. Those who have already devoured her become. Sated your desire to lead. Small songs stored stubborn growths from below happened in your invitations to give. Those who've bought the best clothes in the world where it moves in overcoats. The corruptions

responses precipitated. Naughty minds. Notarial wisdoms. Masters of banks in morgues across sovereign who committed the rape of the glories promised cons dirty. Desisters who pay into the eyes of the stars of soot. The priests who cook the hearts to submit to the laws of totem vampires.

You see. The island adrift. Torn in the fury of centuries fractions not found in heathland which is continuing tumult of empires. Focus and dissolve disasters greedy. Assemble and tired in search of nothing. Mingle and to assassinate devotions ice.

And yet you bow, dawn after dawn, prepared every night, every morning under your skin in scribble, in the belief that childhood indecent leave thee, whom you call sometimes with strangulation, remaining your time where everything took shape when everything was distorted. You

watchmen. Passages for rafts, mastabas codes eroded that curves the cosmos are published by seasons before you. Triturated your troubles with you sometimes, in some period of boredom more vacillating torpor than others, this maniacal care where you move, where Replaces you on an imaginary altar, a small nation of useless objects, origins frayed, you do not know how to keep, why throw.

was a perfume. And he laughs at you there, on set with a face frozen in a precious morning of January at the window against which the breath panics. It had all the appearances of things simple and ordinary. While only commanded to be there. The next time was in the mist as gateways to places all transferred their cocoons and nicely disguised as common accessible.

A dying fish, gutted in a cloud illegal, to hunt down the cold which all life is frightened. Or adapts. Or fled. Or issue. S'absout or using the rules of a game image Harlequin. You read until odor of putrefaction. Your sleep immersing recoiled in ocean trenches. Your fear strange shuddered with horror.

A season of crushed lava paths. You were going to go as the blind thoughts. Slender and bent so that one does not see them when he crossed here and there with gay prisoners outside smug. Whatever you existed so little. Why disturb any footprints on the steps without a regular slope.

The statues of figures tomorrow do anything. We tried to see and it was not more than a fashion spread conjuring to mimic the unfathomable and collectibles.

At this alone survives the invocation works fluids and even unspeakable. All of which is expected in the cove without matter who stands at rest in a gallop before hanging over an abyss teeming.

Dust china. Moors steam fruitful. Send stretched along the legendary times.

There the receptacle. A palm bag filled with a grain of amber in the resin particles which filaments are frozen since the beginning of time.

In one day you will read the number in your mouth singing blossomed. You feel their intertwining and dancing take place in your flesh.

Feel this state is said to be folly, where you press a fountain to be poor, a pasture of marl, a meal of dead wood, a bed of dried blood, disguised under the age arid a delusional molten liquid will return to the ether or fossil provided that the sky did not look shores, a few steps further speculated that the banks are fascinating toys that never enough.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Alarm Beep Every Minute

Democrat imperfect beauty

Publicly speaking it is not perfect. He who seeks to be a perfect public will seek in vain. However if it is absolutely find one in this strange need of addiction that often freedoms, including the most intimate, are encumbered, he'll find one. It will be someone whose publicity surrounding him and often by himself, in a limited or wider, promote a person who in his convictions, his beliefs, his gait, his ideological or purely political struggle, has given the illusion of representing an ideal opportunity. That would still be less threatening perspective. There will be both in the presence of a person whose real project will be hidden by the arts of communication, means of duplicity, the arguments of clientelism. Vassalage whose interests who delegate will be with a lot of processes seductive, more or less permanently concealed by the clever ways of speech and posture.
Henceforth it will surely only two things that want to be convinced that this person is perfect. First reduce, soften or totally deny the merits of criticisms concern the negative. On the other hand support, support, and exalt all that is likely to strengthen its supposed higher dimension.
may prefer to be wrong under a glare whose minds are more or less formed so ancient and so constantly fond.
Similarly, there is no perfect political system. The famous aphorism illustrates a primary ministerial Columbia cigar smoker is in everyone's memory. And so democracy is not a perfect system.
It is this imperfection of any system which, when applied to democracy, in fact both a necessity and purpose of an object of dissatisfaction. An option that continues and we manhandled. A choice that confirms and discussed. A principle which we would like to see more here on the authority of the people and most of the people by the emancipation power. As we saw in history a company to submit to force or rise against another state.
And it is this imperfection of democracy that allows even today in many parts of the world, a savior, an angel be worn by the popular impatience and flattered by some groups and greedy aided by powerful means, armed with persuasive aplomb, reaches the government of a nation.
is that democracy can only give it a. And democracy has to live, to exist, to assert themselves, to grow, as citizens.
What we said a word to the people. Term massive and formidable. Disturbing entity. Unified set appropriately to assign power or weakness, inconstancy and majesty, violence infant maturity circumstance. Recipient of political talk in all its deployments, loans to the arts of rhetoric, his use of talents tribunician its ability to explain, persuade, and to arrange the reality of things, embroidery, promises, to flatter the ideas and instincts, in coating under stringent, to misrepresent bleak prospects.
And if it only worked because the people, by dint of being considered as such, had been caught gambling
In a move probably old, which originates in the reports that have long governed the relations between peoples and rulers, and whose the advent of democracy has not yet been able to rid the relationship of people towards the political authorities, citizens continually oscillate between the rejection of their representatives, elected or appointed by elected officials, and their ambivalent and repeated bids to the same body of representatives which seems to them that their control has definitely dropped. Henceforth
major imperfection of democracy is that it is the imperfection of any system based on the absence, voluntary or otherwise, against the citizens on the functioning of political authorities. And, at best, where light coming from the press, some intellectuals, opposition groups, the feeling that any finding of disruption of misuse, misdirection, and even cloudy or malfeasance, is Suffice to initiate one of his cases that lay in the pasture to the public in the controversy eventually embellishing new draft controls, new measures of law: specific statements rarely acted on, or if that is the case, however, rarely effective.
It is common to be wary of anything that is control. Again, a spirit of freedom blows of an uncertainty that promotes rigor in defiance of a binding course, but what is clear however that the complexity of our societies is less and less to ignore.
It is also common, unfortunately, that the decline of the democratic imperative, as we further agrees that the public remains as it has become subject to the primacy of economic that is the least settled, thrives with little control or, if any, of little consequence that will result in the idea that the principle of liberality allowed to trade financial and business sources, adapted management of the State, should not see hindered its ability to generate wealth by excessive laws.
The paradox of this situation is that it has not caused a decrease in the volume of law in our societies, but it has developed on-the ground up to make the exercise so long and complex the opportunity to escape becomes more common and can, of course, for those who can use force or collusion of money and useful professions to defend himself.
In this atmosphere of corruption, latent or confirmed, it is not nothing compared to see in various publications with each of the fraud of others. The benefit fraud, access to categories of persons affected and to some extent local trafficking and tax fraud, also exploited by certain categories of persons or groups of people. As if criticizing one another and it induces the idea of a general seizure and finally, except that some people get caught, both tacitly allowed themselves and each other.
The disinterest of public affairs, which has made more and more vain enough to expect justice, which has made the tedious apprehension, which has been neglected to teach shapes and merits in schools , colleges and high schools, is today the election fund best and most regrettably shared by the personnel policies.
This disinterest, arranged in transverse Arcanna tract or pass all traffic, more benign or frankly criminal, all the promotional taglines addresses to clients, and all voter exhaustion beings who do more than measure levels of inefficiencies, disembodied democracy.
reincarnate democracy is to renew the requirements. The requirement. And so it is that the citizen, the citizen, it employs. It is not inevitable that all power is impossible to reform. It is not even sure some of its representatives do not have the will. But if, in the proposed renewal of democracy, citizens do not own the means to transfer the dependencies between themselves and governments, it is unlikely that governments, depending with or without consent of interests that are outside the commonwealth, become or revert their representatives.
And without looking into it perfectly, but bearing in mind progress, like any system can and as democracy should, perhaps know not to aim well, always conducive to discussions where metaphysics is invited by some less to stimulate discussion as to obscure the scope. But seek the best.
There is obviously a matter of time. And the need for a just teaching time. Without political ambitions reflected these issues of time and progress there will be little satisfactory progress for the future of democracy.